General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 Blood

7.00 Blood in General Discussion

    Seems to me this is blood seekers strongest patch. his talents have a very high networth when compared to item cost.

    But especially his lvl 25 talent for 30% lifesteal, blood seeker can easily do 500 dmg right clicks by 35 minutes, with massive life steal and attack speed. He should really only lose a right click battle to a few heroes with same farm


      Okay, that's neat.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Wuuut, Bloodseeker has been mediocre because of the simple to predict combo... He's good because people like to pick Slark, AM and PA which he counters.
        30% Lifesteal shocking but no one's gonna let you hit things all the time.


          when you hits 4k, you will learn about this item that lets you hit things all the time,

          It's Called, BKB

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            ^Well lvl25 usually hits at 35 min or so
            and I wanna let you know that there are also items called Abyssal Blade and Eye of Skadi


              eye of skadi..... when blood seeker gets huge move speed buff during fights..... abysall blade is not a singular counter, because if you play blood seeker well, you wait for the team fight, then use silver edge and blood rite to quickly burst down supports in the back,

              after that a 2 second stun from most carries is not gonna stop your from killing them.


                Linken counters bloodseeker guys

                casual gamer

                  he dies rly fast when focused, thats all

                  Jonas Kahnwald

                    He was good at 6.88


                      no nerf plz

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        ^Dafuq is smei-support Blood a thing now? D:

                        That's why we buy sentry. I can't imagine the timing when a teamfight happens and you use SE to walk into the back from a distance without anyone seeing or expecting you to invis, wouldn't the support throw all the spells and win the 4v5 fight already? I would place sentries expecting you too. Invis should not be a teamfight thing.

                        Blood is not a manfight material
                        He rekts early game and get higher networth than enemy team then proceeds to win
                        If equally farmed at 35mins any right-click carry can take on him seriously, 30% ls won't let you sustain long enough with armor, they would find a way to avoid your bloodrite silence and break, whether motion or dispel.
                        You're a bloodseeker with bloodrage to amplify both damage trade, a bloodrite that isn't reliable to land and rupture which people would never move to. Thirst gives you 40 dmg max.
                        While the other carry has all the buff passives


                          Hes not as good as other carry though. Luna and jugg easily kill bs with their ult. Popular supp also defeats bs like sd. Hes quite good though


                            You'd be surprised to know that the bloodrite cd reduction is extremely good for defending high ground if you're behind in the late game. 30% lifesteal pales compared to other carries with equal farm

                            Good Luck

                              blood still bad , he good if he come back to old blood >.<

                              Good Luck

                                Blood is not a manfight material
                                He rekts early game and get higher networth than enemy team then proceeds to win
                                If equally farmed at 35mins any right-click carry can take on him seriously, 30% ls won't let you sustain long enough with armor, they would find a way to avoid your bloodrite silence and break, whether motion or dispel.
                                You're a bloodseeker with bloodrage to amplify both damage trade, a bloodrite that isn't reliable to land and rupture which people would never move to. Thirst gives you 40 dmg max.
                                While the other carry has all the buff passives

                                this one reason blood is bad i agree with u, all carry got passive blood must make enemy dying