General Discussion

General DiscussionMore questions on TA

More questions on TA in General Discussion

    How can you enter fights more reliably? Without blink you arent mobile at all. As a ta blightstone is adequate damage, plus deso damage is only useful if you can actually hit people. Often times without a blink dagger, ur gonna walk up to someone casually then get stunned/slowed while they walk away. The surprise factor is huge in getting kills. By the time u have meld with 3-4 points in it and a blink blightstone u deal the most damage on the map unless the game is horriblly lost.

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        how does it feel to get a reply from a person who has almost 7 times more mmr than you


          R u asking me? If u look at my profile u wud see i havent played in almost 4 months.


            I think the meta is too fast for deso rush right now, you need to be getting shit done as fast as possible and blink is the item for that. Especially after the rosh changes you can't reliably solo kill it/it takes ages so it tilts it even further in favour of dagger.

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              Armor reduc is more effective on low armor units with high HP values because then you can melt them fast. If you've got no armor any physical damage is basically pure damage. Think about what happens when a unit has negative armor and gets hit by something like a TA.

              With Roshan's armor buffed and HP nerfed, armor reduc strats like Slardar/Medallion/Vengeful etc are less effective now since even if you reduce a unit's armor but there's still some remaining, the unit still has defense over your attacks, however scant it may be.

              lm ao

                TA is fucking garbgae now, impossible to win unless you stomp hard, but if you die like once or twice the games fucking over

                lm ao

                  Her lvl 25 talents are a fucking joke

                  lm ao

                    Phase boots is the way to go, since you wont be tread switching so much this patch and it augments the lack of mobility rushing desolator can result. I have no idea why Daddy is sperging over desolator-first build, if he is just playing devil's advocate then I don't mind, but to assume that in all scenarios your support will have medallion during your blink timing is retarded. Not only that but you played last 4 months ago so you probably have no idea what youre talking about.

                    Desolator rush is the most ideal strategy run on TA because the build up is very easy for a 3.4k item with lots of impact during the early to mid game phase. TA isnt so 1dimensional as to be blink+nuke hero. If you had bought a desolator at the perfect timing, literally everyone just dies to you in 2-3 shots. You dont need blink until the cores bulk up. Blink isnt really for initiating, but for picking off the weaker heroes of the enemy while the cores are busy engaging the rest of your team, and for farming efficiency.


                      I agree, with the presence of comeback mechanics TA's squishiness is her main downfall because after the Refraction charges are lost, BKB runs out and Ghost Scepters are bought, if she dies even once that means a big chunk of gold going over to the enemy's side. Maybe the big chunk of gold would be more justified if the enemy team had to kill an SF who can turn fights with Requiem and right clicks, or kill a WK twice and deal with the slow and the possibility of getting jumped on after Reincarnation. But no the only thing they have to do is to kill a basically melee hero (which means kiteable) who is squishy af (common kiteable heroes such as Sven and WK are tanky).

                      lm ao

                        This is why pike is recommended

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          @Graham, can you spill your bullshit somewhere else? You are giving so much wrong info it hurts. Not only is your TA garbage, you are low ranked to even talk. PT > Phase and 9 Refraction is insanely strong talent.

                          Not only for me, but for a lot of players PT into Deso into Blink works and it wins games.


                            Where's the TA God ywn?


                              EleGiggle try shitting on me by saying something correct okay? As many blue stars have taught me treads r better than phase, why tf wudnt u want to tread switch? And im not saying ur supports will go medallion every game, just thats if u want to do EARLY roshan, then its an OPTION. Making deso even more obsolete. Thing is even tho minus armor is even more effective, magic dmg is still useless against roshan so minus armor is still needed. Dont get me wrong its not as effective, but otherwise roshan is way too tanky.


                                ^ For our Daddy cool

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                                  See my 700 mmr is popular around here


                                    Typical ta stomp with no counter, golden advice, stack the ancient camp in early game, missing one lane creep is totally worth it.


                                      I normally go blink before deso on TA but haven't played her in the new patch. PL is not a good match for TA, he is hard to deal with. What i can think of is if you keep your distance you should be able to take out his illusions easily but his illusions will take out your refraction in seconds.