General Discussion

General DiscussionHate feeeDer how can booost mmr in 3k

Hate feeeDer how can booost mmr in 3k in General Discussion
Lil uZi verT <--Nari

    plz help guys im all time high net worth high kill and any .. all time 1 or 2 noob in 3k in my team how can boost my acc


      Just by glancing over your recent K/D ratios from your past few games I'm guessing that you get caught out of position quite a bit. Your game sense and situational awareness will improve with time but it could help to remind yourself to look at the minimap more often. As you do, make predictions as to where enemy heroes and rotations will be.

      A high net worth does very little if it isn't utilized at all and you aren't present for fights. It also goes to waste when you make poor calls in positioning and end up transferring all that hard earned gold to the opposing team when you get caught out.

      Generally, play a mix of what you are good at and what is currently strong within the current meta combined with keeping enemy picks in mind. You have a good winrate on Sand King, Ursa, and Mirana. All of them are decent within the current meta. Also, try not to focus heavily on your team's mistakes and concentrate on fixing your own. The only thing consistent about your games is you.


        play tinker

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Learning to play a support makes you a better carry player. Learning a carry makes you a better support player.

          Both bring up each other step by step as if two mountain hikers joint hands to support, carry each other.

          In other words, it's time for you to learn support.

          Lil uZi verT <--Nari

            dude i wanna play suupp all game and love it

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Hehehe, you won't love it but you can always learn everything basic from youtube videos


                your overall avg gpm is 426, in your last 20 matches you only had 3 matches where you had more kills than deaths.

                so your original statement is a bunch of bull.

                so work on learning to kill, farm and NOT dying


                  How can i get vhs


                    same as him, both of you are core players and both of you die way too much and have super low gpm

                    also, try playing the game

                    Este comentario fue editado
                    Lil uZi verT <--Nari

                      BECUZ 12 GAME lp game


                        you're making excuses to play bad?

                        then don't ask how to get better if you don't want to know.

                        that, which i pointed out, is true for almost every single game you played.

                        your teammates, aren't the reason you're in that mmr, nor are they the reason you get into lp

                        if you were actually playing good, you wouldn't get into lp.

                        at your mmr, i find it personally almost impossible to LOSE a game and yet you can't even get the basics like 800+ gpm

                        example: out of 50 games on your last page, you only had 14 games where you had more kills than deaths

                        AKA you FED 36 out of 50 games, at a level where i can get 20+ kills every game by playing with 1 finger on each hand

                        you're a giant feeder, with the name ''Hate feeeDer'', how ironic

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          Go smurf