General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport Slark build with aghanim

Support Slark build with aghanim in General Discussion

    Let's see if i can predict this
    item build same as carry slark, but you go for blink build -> aghs
    laning is decent, his rightclick with 3rd spell is a good harass

    pounce is a good 3.5s duration pseudo disable + pact low cd nuke

    once he gets lvl 6 he can deward all the fucking wards

    it's really scary when you have blink + aghs: you can save a whole team from an initiation (ex: your team take a 4 men RP? np, you blink and save everyone)

    i dont play dota anymore but you can thank me later for free mmr (or low prio)


      Slark has good harass...are you mental. He fucking blows early game. Can't zone for shit. So greedy.

      Este comentario fue editado

        inb4 lvl 25 shadow fiend with octarine core and spell amp talents

        in case you dont get it, 2 second cooldown razes completely shit on slark aghanims

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Depends if there's AoE picks there
          Requires a lot of sync too
          Axe and Magnus loves you