General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me calibrate

Help me calibrate in General Discussion

    Hi I'm about 2.6K scrub... I'm on the verge of calibration... I don't know what I'll get on solo but can any generous high mmr dude or gal help me calibrate a good party MMR? I play in SEA server... Here's my ID... 373608930 ... Add me or if ur account is not premium give me ur id I will add you...

    Pls help


      No kappa? :(

      Da Chusen Juan

        add me


          Ok added

          Este comentario fue editado

            doesn't matter who you team up with in party

            it still evaluates only your personal performance

            so you'll get the same results if you party up with a 10k and/or a 1k during calibration


              I'm also a 2k scrub haha