General Discussion

General DiscussionTell me what I did wrong.

Tell me what I did wrong. in General Discussion

    I try hard with ember spirit and everytime my team mates play super bad or I play super bad, I don't get it. I know as a team its my fault somewhere to. Please can u see my ember games and tell me whats wrong and what can I improve. I know about the veil builds, I don't use it completely becuase they are some carries in my games which can't be nuked after mid game, so I try ti build physical damage. Please any advice or suggestion.


      maybe you should try to learn something from , if he build veil, why dont you try to play like that 2

      1-IceTea 🌟

        You are just bad


          The game you linked your team drafted 4 position 1 heroes and a position 3. Regardless of who abandoned or fed, you sucked up all the farm of your other carries. If you had a few lower position heros and an actual support you would have won.

          This is the danger of spamming a clear position 1 hero. If your team already has 2 or 3 of them regardless of when they pick them in the draft, you are screwed.


            not in normal skill, as there's always freefarm everywhere^^

            and to be honest, for the build that he went(old farming build)

            he has a shitty 550 gpm in an NS game, pathetic

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            casual gamer

              do urself a favor and never think about ur teammates again

              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                I don't know why to be so rude with this guy, 5k here believes that they are actually good at the game, and they're still garbage considering that most of them spend their whole day playing the game. xoxo ;)

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                casual gamer

                  5 seconds of scanning the post and i see 2 key elements that hold people back already

                  1 mentions "his team"
                  2 inventing reasons to go for suboptimal builds

                  ull notice i didnt call him a subhuman monkey who should drink bleach. i just said he would be doing himself a favor if he focused on himself

                  casual gamer

                    id probably be salty too if i spammed mid and still went on losing sprees in 4300 mmr winky face


                      Bad itembuild
                      (BoT after BF? Maelstrom? Why?)
                      No tower damage (I know ember is not a tower hitter, but it's still super duper low even on ember scale)
                      Super low farm, try to learn some farm efficiency
                      Don't rely on your teammates
                      Be the reliable teammate

                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                        JDF8 ^ Nah, man I was not talking about you, but you acually felt touched.. I play this game for fun, I barely have 1600 games and I consider I don't play too much by having a 4 years acc.
                        pd: Your comment about the post was a good advice anyways.

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                        casual gamer

                          ive been jebaited

                          casual gamer

                            anyway phsyical damage ember is never good imo. looka t this 6k ember going physical damage and being useless all game smh



                              That facing infront of enemy unit during sleigh mechanic kills the BF build


                                you should never rush bf before tp boots, tp boots allow you to split push and be active with the team , i personally use the bf build it works but you have to be able to hit the sleight chains combo consistently , the only way to that is with practice. Plus you either go two ways with bf build e.g sleight chains then blink in get a few rights clicks in get out or go all out in damage and position yourself at the back spamming sleight and only going in once most of the disables have been used. What the others have said is true though your gpm to play bf needs to be higher in order to be relevant midge

                                old man

                                  i think the thing you go wrong here is super late item progression. and mjollnir after bf and bot?? why no crit or damage item? if you want to go physical ember strat, then meant it. even manta is better than mjollnir

                                  edit: the guy above me is right, but if youre having a good game, go bf first is good as it boost your farming speed by a lot. but idk its your preference mate

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