General Discussion

General Discussionone of my worst games as a Luna - against a dual offlane: MK + SD

one of my worst games as a Luna - against a dual offlane: MK + SD in General Discussion

    the most common problem I have is figuring out how to play a strong Luna when I have a difficult lane

    what's the mindset here? I still want to continue farming and put a lot of trust in my solo support - but often times, i just really have to give up last hits and just sap exp AF just to be able to stay in my lane

    But then, this leads to dual enemy heroes getting free farm and harass/dive me in my T1 tower.

    So what I really do is stay strong - buy cheap items, fight them in a tug-of-war battle and tank all these harassment/ganks in exchange for free space for my mid and offlaners.

    I then rely on mid game team fights to score some kills and get comeback gold/exp and then start jungling.

    what's your take on these kind of situations?


      Ask for rotations? Jungle? Buy early items that help u fight instead if greedy builds. It is for example a game where you may want early bkb before finished manta.


        you know you're 4k when you don't know how to leave a lane

        give them the fucking tower, better give them a tower than feeding them and then later them getting that tower anyways.

        go farm jungle or another lane.

        dear god with the shitty priorities on 4ks, it's just a t1 tower. i'll gladly give up any t1 towers for freefarm.

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        1-IceTea 🌟

          Agree with cookie I have told my fucking teammate to fucking give the fucking tower fucking times when they can't fuckingldefence it and they still fucking throw their life and die with the tower.

          Give 1 tower is better thenow feed hero+tower

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              I'm a shitty noob compared to vhs player that started recently playing some hs games in his smurf. But here's my 2 cents; The hero is already fast. I think you can skip boots. Instead of getting the complete Aquila get just Wraith Band or Basilius and build Headress asap. Prioritize Moon Glaive over Lucent Beam and the ulti. Head to your jungle. And since there's 2 sides of jungle each with shrine, I think you can avoid the risky parts of your jungle and still get farm without heading to base.


                ^ when I play offlane and I still can't rotate and help other lanes - those are what I tell to my core farmers - just sap exp and dont die.

                well this is some good wake up call - sometimes I get so fixed up to my habits and routines that I don't want someone else distracting me from it..

                okok noted

                the realm's delight

                  sd is like the worst laner ever


                    i guess you never played against mk+darkseer on lane

                    casual gamer

                      unless sd is paired is lesh or mirana or some other dumb combo (kunkka? this probably sucks now), then they roll around raping people


                        Sorry about your game. I saw SEA and noticed it had truesight. Had to check the chat out to see what "cancer" in SEA is all about lmao. Unfortunately I'm a 3k pleb so my insight is not very viable, but I guess I'll say there will be better games ahead keep your head up!

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