You should be reported for feeding because they're flaming and your feeding are different issues.
They flame you? then don't listen to them or mute them, feeding is not the answer.
I don't feel like playing those games and that time I just go and to the enemy and feed.
Whoops didn't read that. I'd hate it if I got you in my Ranked games. You have such a weak heart, if you know your teammates are bad at something then they must be good at another thing right? You don't whine and ruin the game, making your chances of winning absolutely zero.
See my Weaver game? Juggernaut and Slardar were retarded children whose solo MMR was a few hundred points lower than their Party MMR. But did I whine? No I fucking splitpushed because I saw that although they were both retarded who didn't know how to last hit, they made good teamfight decisions, and the Invoker was decent as well.
Your games could have been like that, but no man. You're a fucking pu.ssy.
See when I play with quieter people or people who just ping or say 'go' or something.
I'm not boasting that Im very giod . I just think I can play good.
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After approx 2months of Dota 2 , I have been finding cancer players like every game. I don't feel like playing those games and that time I just go and to the enemy and feed. Like the last2 games. I was owning midlane but then LC , out of nowhere,started flaming me for using the courier and then the TA game. Juggernaut and Trent did the same thing then I fed.
What am I suppose to do when I meet Flamers and ragers? What do you guys do?