General Discussion

General Discussionhow to up 5k

how to up 5k in General Discussion
Player 345996680

    i want teach


      1. learn to properly speak english

      me, government hooker

        yea speaking proper english is gonna get you 5k

        1-IceTea 🌟



            ай эм русский и бикоз так получилось что у меня вхс ай кан тич ю 5 кей ммр гейминг
            летс трай ту плэй вит рашн тиммейтс ит соу бьютифул тиммэйтс энд соу летс инд май гайд 5 кей ммр гейминг хех изи

            Player 345996680

              i try use chatwheel communicate, still learning english at school
              its very hard! uwu >.<

              Este comentario fue editado

                Then I would suggest to get 14 years old first before you try to get to 5k


                  Do you pick brood and feed every game on purpose?


                    I may want to borrow some of these Brood strats and incorporate them into my plays. Seems legit.

                    In the distant past I've done similar advanced Furion strategies.


                    Este comentario fue editado
                    Player 404335202

                      Chech his account ... His all games

                      Player 345996680
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                          Something is very weird with OPs profile :thinking:

                          Este comentario fue editado
                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            teach me

                            Player 345996680
                              Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                That's one weird profile

                                Hatsune Miku

                                  u get 5k if u ask mugi out

                                  Player 345996680
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                                      learn meta heroes and counters to them get mmr and bored about dota


                                        Idk u want to mute me so u cant get any 700 mmr advice today


                                 check my profile as you can see i use all role.. either offlane safelane or mid
                                          you should learn all the roles because you cannot just climb to 5k if you just picking carry
                                          and also adjusting to players would be appriciated and its also up to your skills in how do you play such situations in clash


                                            and also if you win in a ranked match like 3 or 5 times in a row you should go play normal match because you might be get in to red days so.. be careful

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              ^You didn't pick jungler you didn't played all role.

                                              you should learn all the roles because you cannot just climb to 5k if you just picking carry

                                              Player 345996680
                                                Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador



                                                    where the fuck is that star which say that i play ranked at high MMR


                                                      Not high enough buddy that star comes at 5k