General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling tips?

Morphling tips? in General Discussion
roshan killerz

    Any tips on how to use morph properly or just to play the hero better? I really like the hero and i wanna get better at using morph.


      Use manta before armlet


        Boots->wand->raindrop->blight->linken->eblade->dagger->travels->skadi/pike/butter/bkb/manta as needed. Once you have linkens you just push waves as deep as possible sitting at 1 str while putting your replicate on the opposite side of map. Once you have eblade you keep doing the same playstyle but you look for a pick before your replicate expires. Once you have dagger you continue doing the same but you can dive super deep into multiple enemies even as long as your replicate is up. Once you have your luxury items you should be massively farmed with your enemies pinned in their base by your split-pushing/pickoff potential and you can rosh and just bumrush high ground.


          ^ u take cd reduction? Also do u get early lance?


            Lance is shit early is delays your eblade, I only ever get it if I need pike, cd reduction is always better you have 3 active abilities and lots of active items. Also I have been trying the mana talent and it seems superior but haven't really played much ranked with the hero as it's awful so not 100% sure on that one.

            Este comentario fue editado
            basement :)

              Watch some replays.


                I believe there was a post by Kitrak on how to morph (before 7.00).


                  Just make sure u got linken in 13 minute and the game is yourssssssssssssss . Morphlin is one of worst hero in this meta. I not recomend u to practice dis hero .


                    Get the cd reduction and master your micro ability to be able to last hit with your illu. And keep your eye on from blade mail user


                      But also morphling is the best adaptative hero in dota . So this hero depend to ur skills and ur brain (if u got one) and never try to build armlet to dis hero. fukin meme build lul