General Discussion

General Discussionguy who bought 6k account exploited

guy who bought 6k account exploited in General Discussion

    maybe he just had a bad day


      not an acc buyer


        Classic 5ks, have one bad game and fail to carry those shitstains and you're a bought account.


          Like the other ppl said it's just a 6K player that is having a bad day.

          Sorry if dota don't always put good teamates in your team...

          Story Time

            i think OP has fed the game and now blaming someone else, i guess "welcome to Dota" applies :)

            the realm's delight

              ive been in and out the courthouse
              jury trippin
              ive been flippin, flippin syrup
              water whippin


                watch the replay if you really think that he had a bad day

                he had map awareness of a 3k, not a joke
                i had to tell him every time when to back and he just kept getting caught in random places where he should have never been at any circumstances


                  i mean you could make a point that he fed intentionally, but this would be even worse


                    u r a retard apparently


                      i guess i m just baffled by how a "bad day of a 6k player" can turn him into literally a high 3k at best


                        ur only 5.2 and ur complaining about 6ks XD you should see how 6ks feel when they get matched with fucking retarded 5ks like you XD


                          this guy probably isnt 6k anymore since he wasnt the highest mmr guy in the match, the highest one was 5,4k
                          so either he was playing in a group or dropped to 5,4k
                          but the thing most of you dont get is how he performed so badly as a player in my bracket in general
                          you would really grasp how bad he performed if you actually watched the replay
                          its not about how he sucks as a 6k
                          its about how much he sucks as a person in a 5k average game

                          but whatever, i created this thread because i was mad as fuck and everyone is just trying to shit on me without actually watching the replay and understanding the situation xD

                          clasic dotabuff k-thread conversation


                            Maybe he was high

                            casual gamer

                              apparently my dragon lance x2 jugg means im acc buyer too unfortunately


                                fyi, post 5.5k there is not much difference, its just a mtter of grind, willpower and luck.

                                343 was 5.5k and he got 4th in ti6.


                                  why is it every second thread in here about flaming?

                                  I dont get it guys. Seriuosly, what is the fuckin point now?


                                    Not an acc buyer, just bad days. He maintains 49% winrate. He is legit.

                                    monk, tibetan

                                      hot jennie dp


                                        locking this thread because the accusation has no base and is thus a useless witchhunt