Riki can do a lot with very little, and like slark shits on uncoordinated teams.
His nerfs to his smoke screen slow hurt his roaming a bit but he can still manage to get early pick offs.
I think he is a good pub hero, just as slark is.
Pro scene not so much
Not in the meta but still a decent pubstomper
But then again people tend to understimate unpopular heroes in the meta
Solid hero to pick especially in 4k mmr below, and he can also be position 4 or 5 then transitions to carry like Weaver.
Good is an understatement, in lower brackets the sumbitch is imba. Played two games earlier, stoned out of my mind and sleep deprived for two days and ended up 16-3 despite not even knowing what I was doing half the time and won the second game 2v8 with 290 ping, despite spending half the game just randomly clicking on the map and walking around because my brain refused to function any longer.
I know an Aus 6k who swears by carry riki, I don't rate it all but he wins games with it, so the hero can't be too terrible.
"What I have witnessed is Slardar, with a saddle upon his back, and Riki riding him like a cowboy into the sunset with his Aghs 6 shooter. It was a love never meant to be, but then 2005 changed to 2017, and it was. Sometimes I would witness Magnus join in, with his big, magnificent horn. Oh how he used it to Skewer Riki into an entire group of 'reversely polarized' enemies. How they shuddered and fell as Riki poked them in the back sides with his short, pointy dagger. And then there was Clockwerk with his Battery Assault and 'Hook Shot'. How he could trap them in with Riki and himself, with no way out but with their back sides turned for an intimate bruising from his 'cogs'. I tremble and shake, when I play Earthshaker, just thinking about it!"
good input guys. i think i have met only 1 riki picker from 5.5k onwards in SEA, otherwise no one is picking him.
after icefrog reply to my feedback on 6.88 riki, he has nerfed riki at least 7 times in a row with the last time bringing him agh.
however, i still win a lot with riki.
maybe its no so much abt the hero itself, but how skillful you play him.
I used to do well with him but haven't touched him in a while. What are your thoughts on getting a blink dagger on Riki? I see people get it sometimes.
^ blink dagger is good if your team lacks initiation heroes or your opponents have a lot of escape abilities.
with that blink dagger will ensure you are able to finish them off, or you could run away easily.
you can blink out while you are using ulti.
in last few patches when riki could purge himself with diffusal, dagger was very good, as you could remove dust effect anytime you are in front line. but now, dagger is dependent on situation, as many other dps items would be preferable.
mid to late game riki needs a lot of firepower to finish off his targeted opponents asap.
Thanks for the good info. I kind of left Riki behind after the nerfs and diffusal changes but will give him a go again because I really like playing him.
riki is still great heroe, really giving most impact from heroes that can roam, maybe only pudge can be compared, he is very strong carry as well. gg ez
Some people are just too damn good on certain heroes that they'll win with it even if the hero isn't in the meta
best counter to riki = spirit breaker , night stalker + pudge on early game
im not afraid of bounty hunter or slardar to be honest.
early game im only afraid of the aforementioned.
Tbh bounty doesnt beat riki, u play riki for smokescreen really, plus u can just buy hotd or manta or lotus.
Imo a good slardar is okay against riki but if riki is better he will smokescreen so slardar cant initiate properly.
i played 4 rikis and had 4 won in row ( mostly vs BH )
then i fucking started to lose maybe cause i was spamming him
should i pick him situational i feel like riki is needed for every team with that smoke and blink and ulti its just too good
I think he is good in this meta (in pubs), he is a teamfight hero.
Zeus, Underlord, Timbersaw, Lion, Tinker, Invoker and other heroes with a good nuke is good against him.
BH and Slardar is not really a counter but more of a reminder that you just have to be cautious and force teamfights,
just punished these two in my last game even if I'm slow hands
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what do you think?
i dont play riki because he is good, but for the reason that i like him.
i hardly see people pick him, so what's your thoughts?
people underestimate power of riki and matches like below happen