General Discussion

General Discussionlosing streak remedy

losing streak remedy in General Discussion

    Im so fucked up today got only 2 wins out of 7 games i think. What do you do when your tilted? I tried not to play for 2 days still on losing streak. Is there something wrong with my play. Help pls.


      Fix your own mistakes
      Take a break, play casually, or play another game
      Give less fucks
      Stop taking the game too seriously


        Also try to stop playing and try again tomorrow when you get 2 losestreak

        The DarKNovA

          In short, shit happens.
          Unless you want to be very assertive with your mates, there's a limit of impact you can have, and that is not to mention many of your mates might not even communicate.
          Just play more and you might get out of the shit series of games.
          Also your thighs are too fat.


            Ill try to take your advice. Thanks maybe i should rest when i lose 2 times and dont stop playing until i get out of this shit. Thanks mate


              giving less fucks is VERY important also play with gud friends and do some funny stuff .chillax


                Thanks sia ill try to enjoy the games i play


                  Everyone has those days. There are games where you just can't seem to do anything right for whatever reason(lack of focus, fatigue, getting outplayed etc) and then there are games where you're screwed at the matchmaking stage and have no hope in hell of winning unless you can 1v9 like a mofo against much better players starting from a crappy position like 1-17 or something. I think Purge once called these games "variance games" and there's no avoiding them.

                  Este comentario fue editado
                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Well being placed way above your skill bracket is also a bad experience, especially if you can't adapt fast enough.


                      Thanks for the tips guys. I hope that tommorrow i will not experience this "variance games".:) @signor well maybe i cant adapt fast enough at my skill bracket but ill still try to do my best thanks for the opinion :D


                        Play more, the more you lose the easier the games are, just chill and find more games

                        rip bozo

                          Don't be a tryhard. The last time i became a tryhard i lost 600 mmr

                          basement :)

                            There is no mercy for desperate smurfs.

                            Story Time

                              1. smurf
                              2. get a losing streak
                              3. cry in dotabuff forum
                              4. Profit?


                                this fuckking smurf. what the fuck does losing streak even mean for smurf


                                  happens to me while smurfing i just dont givr a fuck until calib

                                  casual gamer

                                    tinker !


                                      you could be stuck like me growing very slowly in bracket but having a high win rate. sucks either way dota just cant satisfy us :))


                                        Thanks guys. @story time sorry dude this account is going to be my main and final account thats why im crying. Im sorry that it has no profit man.

                                        Yung Beethoven

                                          2 wins out of 7 games isnt that bad. I lost over 800MMR in the last 6 Months, fell from 5800mmr to 5k :( I had a winrate of ca. 20% in ranked games. THIS is a losing streak. You just had a little bad luck.

                                          So keep your head high and aim for the best!

                                          Good Luck


                                            Oh hey, looks like we are having some bad games
                                            Take a look at my profile and of course, my teammates


                                              Thanks for the tips guys! I was able to get back some of my loses today, all i did was to chill and enjoy the game (although i didnt pick any core role today ROFL). Anyway i will still do my best thanks for the advice :D


                                                But..... I only know how to hit creeps :(
                                                How am I supposed to play support :(


                                                  I dont know dude. i just depended on my team on winning haha.


                                                    Step 1. look at my profile
                                                    Step 2. Realise how lousy my mmr is
                                                    Step 3. acknowledge these kinds of people can tilt you
                                                    Step 4. Don't give a fuck about it
                                                    Step 5. If you do get stressed out play unranked with your fav hero and try out a meme build :D


                                                      Thanks man haha :D


                                                        I've lost 11 of my last 15 games.
                                                        I'm not tilting tho, don't take a game so serious especially if you're on a normal skill smurf


                                                          my main is core 1 but when im feeling tilted im going for very fun heroes like rana and pudge = sure escape!


                                                            Thanks man. Thats a really good advice!


                                                              seems like vhs is just too high for you