General Discussion

General DiscussionMid Heroes

Mid Heroes in General Discussion

    I can pretty much only play mid or freefarm safelane but I also like having a wide range of heroes to play

    I've played a lot of unconventional mid heroes and sometimes it works and other times it doesn't
    When I play medusa mid I always hit 20 minutes with more than 200cs but when I played morph I just died 3 times mid in 10 minutes (although I was vsing qop so I don't know how good that matchup is)

    So my question is, what makes a hero who:
    -Can only play mid (sf tinker etc)
    -Heroes who are good mid and also other lanes (sniper alc medusa)
    -Heroes who are dogshit mid

    Most the high mmr players I've asked say that the hero has to be good at soloing+needs to be able to shove the lane, but I find there are still heroes who don't have both of these and are still played mid (tiny is pretty terrible for trading hits), or heroes who have both but aren't played mid (axe solos a lot and can shove lane but never plays mid).

    Also why is it mid is exclusively for cores despite some supports being very strong solo heroes? (harass monsters like jakiro or warlock)

    doc joferlyn simp

      I heard some pushing strats incorporate Jakiro mid to end the game pre-20 minutes. Also Warlock semi-core had a surge of popularity because of how he could control the tempo of the game, especially with an early Midas and a lane to himself he could have Aghanim's and Refresher after a few successful fights. Babyknight did it a while back.

      doc joferlyn simp

        Thing is if you can't do a successful push with Jakiro you end up with a heap of moneybags ripe for the taking, because by then the cores will at least have a chance to take you down. Even if they die in the process it's probably worth it because they were starved for 20 minutes. A Tinker/Treant can easily stop your deathball and just turtle their HG.

        Warlock relied too much on his spells, so if they are off cooldown you've got a big ranged creep. His Bonds have 20~ second CD, which is a lot if you don't land all of them on enemy heroes because of a) enemy creeps b) multiple summons c) enemy illusions. Shadow Word has a similar CD. Upheaval has twice that. His Golems have a cooldown something to 3 minutes? Not sure but 3 minutes can mean a lane of rax lost or won, maybe even a game.

        Bottom line they are very unreliable as midlane heroes, too niche. Better go with the tried and true midlane heroes who can flashfarm and dominate the game without relying on CDs or weird strats too much.


          Well u also want a mid who scales better and axe doesnt. Not enough to carry at least. Idk there r a lot of factors, pike trading, wave clear, strength against roamers, and such. tiny is only good mid against melee heroes, and he can waveclear. Tbh i think u only play tiny with io at this point.




              Tiny installed a fear that you can be 1shotted by his combo so you dont really like to trade hits


                ^at lvl 1? What he cant one shot people till max avalanche and toss unless they hella squishy.