General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do most mid pros

Why do most mid pros in General Discussion

    Prioritize last hitting over forcing someone out of lane ? Not a mid player so I don't really understand what the trade off is. Let's say u have a slightly favorable match up. Maybe ranged vs melee. I often feel like they could be a lot more aggressive getting a lot hits in and zone. But then I see they always prioritize last hitting and maybe only start going only when they can get kills or the guy is really out of position and there's no creep to last hit.

    Pale Mannie



        I've noticed this before shrines. If you force someone out of lane u kinda win. So why not.


          An early farm advantage can easily win you the lane.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            I would harass a lot if I was ranged against melee.
            Maybe the higher the skill level of the game, the less you want to fuck up in mid, so better safe than sorry.

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                its because they lasthit all and outzone enemie just u dont see it as it is u just imagine its different
                means ur NS scrub

                or they just wait for roam and suport to come and kill him not want to outzone him if he wants first blood with help

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                    and midd is not point to outzone enemie and call 3 more heroes in ur lane


                      That's a good point. So you're saying being more aggressive on your opponent instead of last hitting won't get you an early farm advantage?


                        I'm not talking about kills. If he is out of regen he can't last hit. U have a farm advantage as well. Unless ur saying u can't be aggressive enough to force your opponent out of lane given the amount of regen available, and the regen means ur opponent will still get farm despite the harassment ?


                          depends, you can't really say this applies or doesnt apply universally.

                          depending on the match-up, you can zone him out and farm at the same time.


                            @cheaplaugh yea that's what I notice is lower skill players just harass as much as they can to win lanes while higher level players don't really do that even when it looks to be possible. Of course they are not out of position as much. But it is still possible if they didn't care about cs so much


                              @skim yea if u were a viper u would just zone and get farm at the same time. Hence I say a slightly favorable matchup such as ranged vs melee. don't want to get too specific as this would restrict the discussion a lot.