General Discussion

General Discussionpc build advice

pc build advice in General Discussion
Hatsune Miku

    im planning to build another pc, at least on higher end this time. what can i change to reduce the price

    Motherboard: ASRock Z270 Pro4 Motherboard [ $169]

    CPU: i7 7700k ( seems like everyone says its good for gaming mostly) [$479]

    GPU: i can just reuse my current 960 unless theres a better alternative that will let me use VR as well

    RAM: Corsair Supervalue 2x8GB [$170]

    HDD/SSD:Seagate 2TB and Sandisk 240GB [$220]

    PSU:Be Quiet!Pure Power 9 600W [$99]

    Case: Anycase as long as its under $90 and PSU at bottom

    Total: $1227

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      not sure where you live, but 16gb of ram should totally be availalble for 70-100$
      could also go down with PSU a bit

      Hatsune Miku

        i should have mentioned this is in AUD, so its pricey


          ah yeh you're screwed


            Looks fine, I googled the Mobo and I found 2 sites (amazon and Newegg) selling that mobo for $100.
            I'd peruse websites for the same stuff just so you could get it cheaper.

            Make sure your case has good ventilation, and make sure it's easy to open (so you can clean it without having getting a headache from opening it).


              Shouldn't you just get an i7 7700 if you're planning on pairing it with a B250 anyway?

              Also, if you're just using it for gaming, you kind of don't need an i7. Alternatively you can wait for R3 and R5 and see how that compares if you're not in a hurry. If you're a multitasker/using it for much more than gaming, you can benefit from more cores.

              But if it's within your budget, it looks good

              Edit: Also probably better to ask tech sites about this

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              Giff me Wingman

                What do u want to do with that PC?

                disgusting weebs

                  jerk off to hentai and play jungle lc

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                    Dire Wolf

                      I would just get an i5 6600k or whatever and save money. With that gpu it'll be the bottleneck on every game not the CPU. Which is fine. You'll get 60+ fps on everything at 1080p, just maybe can't max msaa


                        Asrock B250 Gaming K4, CPU: i7 7700k

                        XD pls get z270 if you're buying that cpu, even if you're not overclockign and get 3000mhz ram or I will get cancer, aids and ebola at the same time.

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                          Also, if you're just using it for gaming, you kind of don't need an i7

                          I get aids from every comment like this where I hear "oh i7's are not for gaming, you're not going to benefit at all, not worth extra 100$" and other nonsense like that.


                            well, for many games a 7700k is overkill unless you have a beast GPU. in dota however, the cpu is almost always the bottleneck. and OP do not buy the 'k' version of a cpu unless you have a mobo that supports o/c. you are paying more money for an unlocked multiplier that you wont even use.

                            but please post your performance after building, i have the same GPU and have been waiting to upgrade cpu for quite some time.

                            Dire Wolf

                              But it's true. His system with a 960 with undoubtedly be gpu bound, and when people say asinine shit like dota is CPU intensive they are trying to go from like 120 fps to 140 which is fucking stupid cus u can't see the difference. Op probably doesn't have a 140 hz monitor either. i7 is overkill and just intels way of suckering you into more CPU than you need. Only workstations need hyper threading now. And for the future it'll be a while before games catch up and well be on our next pc by then.

                              Just look at this comparison, not a single game posts more than 1-2 fps difference between i5 6600 and i7 6700.

                              Hatsune Miku

                                this is the point of the tread to make sure I am not over paying.

                                XD pls get z270 if you're buying that cpu, even if you're not overclockign and get 3000mhz ram or I will get cancer, aids and ebola at the same time.

                                ok fine, ill get the ASRock Z270 Pro4 Motherboard instead which costs $19 more.

                                well, for many games a 7700k is overkill unless you have a beast GPU. in dota however, the cpu is almost always the bottleneck. and OP do not buy the 'k' version of a cpu unless you have a mobo that supports o/c. you are paying more money for an unlocked multiplier that you wont even use

                                Im gonna get a z270 to support O/C

                                What do u want to do with that PC?

                                Mainly for gaming ( b1,dota and others) sometimes i edit videos with moviemaker. Also, a cheap gpu so i can play VR games

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  Don't build. Buy Laptop


                                    i7 with that motherboard doesn't bottleneck?