General Discussion

General Discussioncalibration broke?

calibration broke? in General Discussion

    okay, i remember before7-8 months i calibrated 2 accounts easy 4.5k mmr. i dont say im really good but i tryhard. havent played since then and now i created 2 new accounts , (after i practiced ofc) and both were about 3.4k mmr. i mean i tried really hard and when i calibrated was suprise to see that number. i mean com on with 4.1 kda avarage .. dont know what happened to calibration system


      new calib max is 3500 valve changed to delete smurfs and boosters like u and i are so good
      too bad
      we gona find peace somewhere else


        They just recently changed the max calibration mmr to 3.5k.

        i commend

          This is what happens if people don't read patch notes.


            sorry my friend, the only reason i created those accounts is for my friend and brother. now i wanted one for me and i cant reach calibration to 4k anymore. i dont create accounts to sell. i play to enjoy and get high mmr.even the one i created now ( this one i commend) hope i get something better. if i get again 3;4k mmr than i will play and rise my mmr from 3,4k

            Ghastly Wail

              So your unskilled brother and friend are in 4k now.
              Why would you do that? So other people need to carry their ass?
              If they cant calibrate that themself they dont belong there.
              Sry Dude but its as easy as that.
              They'll ruin every 3/4k game they are in.


                I feel sad for 3k's.


                  thank god i am 5k


                    Good for 4ks but now 3.5ks filled with smurfers lol