General Discussion

General DiscussionPlay here or main

Play here or main in General Discussion

    Hello everybody ,hope everyone's doing fine.
    Im new here to this Forum, so ill just try it out!
    I wanted to have other global peoples opinion to help me choosing.
    I calibrated at 0.3k mmr on main :
    then in 2 years i increased it to 4.2k , ofc i started dota and i did not realize what calibration was. . And i was wondering if i should play there or here in my smurf same mmr 4.2k , i dont like much the 700 jugger games on main , makes acc look so ugly.. the day i wanted to make smurf it was to have a better looking acc to become pro player , ofc road 7k but i hésitante on which one :) , no need hate commnts or useless, ty for reading this block.

    Este tema ha sido editado
    doc joferlyn simp

      You linked the wrong account man. The link in the post is the same account you're posting with, instead of your main.

      doc joferlyn simp

        You can also edit your original post so that people won't have to read more comments to understand.

        doc joferlyn simp

          I really respect pro players who have lots of matches, it shows that they worked hard for what they have and that they didn't suddenly get good overnight; thereby lending inspiration to other budding players who also dream of making it pro. Why does the 700 Juggernaut match look ugly? You know what looks ugly? Storm Spirit and the top heroes below him.


            Dont play on ur main cuz it has a naruto profile, i automatically judge u to have autism. This post only furthers it.


              And ur name itself is the definition of cringe.




                  Play your main man there's nothing wrong with it.


                    Smurfing and spending 100 games just to calibrate to 3.5k since its the cap, just so you can have "cleaner profile" doesn't sound logical to me
                    Especially if you're already 4k
                    Time waster, stay on your main


                      If you still want to have super inflated stats then you can just feed for your calibration games and calibrate at 500 mmr or below, then grind it up

                      Este comentario fue editado



                          i think that the 700+ games on juggernaut is super awesome , it show how good and experienced you are with the hero
                          personally i would choose the main to play on


                            You don't need that many games to master juggernaut tho


                              Anymore comments to help please?

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                What more are you looking for?

                                Ghastly Wail

                                  Jugger is in both profils second most played.
                                  You are trolling right?

                                  What Pro Profils are better to look at? One with 7000 Games or one with like 500?

                                  I would always stay on Main. You started from the Bottom and are on your way to the midst of the MMR.
                                  So wheres the Problem with that?

                                  For me personally this Thread is a pure waste. Always stay on Main.

                                  Lets say you become a real pro and you become my favourite Player, i want to see how you raised and played in your beginnings. Easy as that.


                                    ^ The Rider that dont show nothing IMO unless hes high mmr or have those amount of games with tinker
                                    maybe i can do better jugg as safelane player even tho i have 10 games with him

                                    Player 404335202

                                      LoL why wud 700 jugg matches make ur acc look ugly ? As both of them havw same mmr it doesnt matter really !


                                        cheating your way to the top is uglier than grinding yourself up from the trench tbh


                                          you are sumail


                                            i dont think it matters at all

                                            Ave with an internet pfp

                                              Why not both?