General Discussion

General DiscussionGood offlane, tank this meta?

Good offlane, tank this meta? in General Discussion

    So when I can't pick my comfort role I have a constant secondary role I could rely on to.
    Offlane that can push and tank for and lead early game siege/ 20-28 min hg pushes.

    Rektdalf the White



        Centaur is pretty much first pickworthy in every game, totally broken hero with very few counters.


          @rektdalf some pro player said that necro offlane is shit, I want to knwo your thoughts bout that sir?
          @glasses king what do you buy on centaur tranqs> dagger > pipe > aghs?

          Rektdalf the White

            Well who am i to argue with pro players opinion, but what i can say that from what i've experienced in pubs players till 3,5k mmr play weak safelane + most of the time are badly coordinated - therefore they wont insta kill you in 95% of time. That is where necro thrives, he can trade hits very well with support/carries when itemized properly and is almost impossible to shut completely down, unless you have chain stun trilane against you. + shroud is imba


              ^good insite my friend maybe in our bracket tat would work haha:)

              Rektdalf the White

                It does I have 66% wr with him since patch 7.00, nerfs didnt help but still going somewhat strong.




                    Just go for cent. Tranquil, wand, hood,blink,pipe,agha

                    Maybe crimson between pipe and agha if you need it. After agha just get hot,shiva or helbard as last item you could even consider refresher for double ult.

                    i commend

                      OP = Abba/Cent/Necro/Underlord/Axe/LD/Tech

                      Underrated = Omni/Treant/SK/Riki/Clock/UD/Bat/Bara/Tide/DS/Ns/Jak

                      Overrated = Weaver/Earthshaker/WR/Mirana/BM/FV/Invoker/Qop/MK/NP/Phoenix/Magnus/LC/Brood/Enchantress/Puck/Bb

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                        ^magnus is seeing resurgence
                        Half of the overrated category r just bad heroes in general, no one overrates them, wr and earthshaker and brood r just shit.
                        Also i feel like hot is not as good as refresher on centaur anymore. But thats me.


                          tech is definitely top tier offlane character but if ur specifically looking for a tank centaur is the way to go, i had 70% wr in ranked once i started using him in 700


                            This is patch for Alice


                              and alice isnt even climbing this month
                              L O L


                                cent with sup aba = auto win


                                  I was looking for offlane tech and I found it

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Yesterday matches I played with offlane techies


                                    Won both

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