General Discussion

General DiscussionHello guys

Hello guys in General Discussion
The DarKNovA

    Why would he get reported for Lyc jungle?


      Thank you for your advices sir. I just reached 3k and the mistakes and things you said were wrong about the game, I have seen in my own play. So it's good when someone points out something that alot of us don't pay attention to. Makes you pay a bitt or alott atention to your game play and things you plan to do in the game.
      Keep climbing the mmr lader sir. Good luck.
      Looking forward to new coments about player mistakes.


        @F!RE please do continue to update this thread, even after crossing 5k
        @Cookie senpai, since you gave up your race to 6k due to lack of motivation, would F!RE doto be motivational enough for you to continue your quest to 6k?


          no, being crushed in the rast is no motivation bro :(


            4.9k achieved, ive got to 4965 but last 2 games annoyed me so much everyone flaming and alot of flame came to me even tho i dont talk, morph in sf game and tb in invo game same player very bad player and extremly toxic actually tilted me from all the flame he did, lets see if i get 5k by tmrw

            gaear grimsurd

              bruh do you even sleep or eat ?

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Eat sleep Dota and much better then his bracket -I think that's why he climbing like a Aeroplane


                  F1RE is suffering loose streak

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Play 4 games and rises 48mmr.
                    It seem like I will beat your 10 games 4.7 to 4.8 am I 7K skill now?
                    Jut rekt 6.5K solo memer player badly xD


                      You'll make it to 5k, and soon 6k and 7k F!RE. your man believes in you, remember what i told u. Goodluck

                      fear is the mind killer

                        @F!RE lol man i randomly spectated one of my friend's game and you're in it


                          teach me senpai rofl


                            good shit man, for prolly the third time this thread ive said it, good shit!

                            was a shame you couldnt stream tho. or just take a video of you playing against each bracket. that wouldve been something

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              I DID IT F!RE
                              I am 4.5-4.6k solo mmr player stuck here for few months
                              After I focus on play party rank and it rise from 4.6k-5.1k,
                              I figured I improve alot (rekt alot of 6.5k+ player)
                              and I won my challenge
                              u take 10 game to bring 4.7k to 4.8k
                              I PLAY 6 GAME AND I WON 5 now am 4.8k!!!
                              Never thought I get rise this fast I am happy!
                              Please congratz me!

                              Use chatwhell=mute

                                Wow wp ice tea congratz. U still stuck in jungle,?


                                  i envy licetea because he have so much potential, if he want to get mmr he can just learn to lane when i am here dont know what to do with my games anymore


                                    ^ hes garbage trust me if he start playing lanes he gona drop to 4k flat

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      ^Lul envy,I play on the worse place that put my teammate 4v5 let them single support and no roamer, put my team in constant danger to be ganked.
                                      I troll around and get 4.7K now jajaja


                                        5k achieved, sry i wasnt being active here but was kinda tilted took more then it should

                                        also jdf8

                                          idk i feel like 4k bracket theres this huge pervasive superiority complex and idea that u have to educate ur teammates mid game.

                                          nothing makes me want to drop my items and run down mid more than some shitter telling his teammates every little mistake they make in real time


                                            Fire, quick question - I've noticed you barely played support throughout your entire jorney, is there a particular reason behind that, other than you might be a mainly core player?


                                              5k achieved guys, he's nailing it


                                                5k became the same, i just lost a tb game which should've been 100% win because our pudge just wouldnt listen

                                                also jdf8

                                                  5k players smh smh


                                                    Yo jdf generally talkin bout strategy and how u could coordinate with team is good if not done too much resulting in annoying others. Altho if youre talkin about that guy who was flaming me for mispoofing my meepo once for 2 mins yea u right mute em tho dont drop items


                                                      Cuki stuck :thinking:

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        yeah look saying shit like lets rosh, go mid t2 then bot t2, hey smoke and look in their jungle

                                                        all that shit is great, game winning stuff

                                                        what im talking about is a trilane of cm nyx tb, vs some aggro dual lane

                                                        cm takes creep aggro while going for a kill, then says some dumb shit like nyx why didnt you stun x hero instead of y hero, now im dead

                                                        like who fucking cares it already happened no point rehashing it. but thats like the 4k fetish is talking about how their team couldve played better


                                                          my first game in 5k ppl flaming me for wanting mid calling me 4k dog want mid and stuff so qop picked before me and wanted mid and said dog leave mid, i was so mad tbh then the other 3 started flaming me for being in 5.4 avg and wanting mid while im 5023, so i picked sf and qop went jungle and all agreed that i will get raped by the 5.7 or smth voker, then i flamed them end game telling them 5k dogs dont flame before u see the other playing and the other team reported me for smurfing and ruining there 5k game gg wp

                                                          i think my fulltryhard is too much still for 5.4k avg game

                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                            Welcome to another hell my friend :) Don't give up tho, that just happened!


                                                              Hahahahahaha wtf


                                                                Dont say wtf, most of you would do the same thing i am sure of it thats how the 95 percenters are


                                                                  someone gave me idea to post this to reddit, u think we can make it therE?

                                                                  btw should i keep updating or 5k is enough


                                                                    the trench slowly appears around your true mmr


                                                                      i think you could go into a bit deeper analysis of each bracket if not i dont think it really helps ppl anymore since 5k+ arent as much nagging as others

                                                                      Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                        Yes help pls fire. 3.8k and mid/carry players are dogshits

                                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                          Well done F!RE congrats on reaching 5K.

                                                                          the trench slowly appears around your true mmr

                                                                          I random a jungle ES build hitter carry and won in 4.8K look like my true memer is at least 6K? xD

                                                                          also jdf8

                                                                            yes keep us posted pls


                                                                              Already 5k, when I'm stuck on 4,9k and have no idea how to climb xd

                                                                              also jdf8

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                  Keep us updated

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    F!re sanpai took 14matchs from 4800-4900.
                                                                                    11/1/7 TB matchs - 21/5/21 Invoker matchs.

                                                                                    (Assuming it's +25/-25 flat each game)

                                                                                    The challenge is still on!


                                                                                      @winter the reason is im mostly a core player

                                                                                      Had a bad day today and got tilted after my sf game


                                                                                        Do u think u can keep climbing or will u get stuck at 5k? Seems like u are getting tilted more and more. That's the sign of approaching your skillcap


                                                                                          LATEST MMR BRO?

                                                                                          Story Time

                                                                                            he will climb, no doubt :) it is just hard to get a core role in this 5k mmr games since the variance in skill and mmr is getting bigger on average


                                                                                              @jacked i lost 2 games in row with 28 6 and 30 7, even if i lost those at 2k mmr id tilt, and who came with the theory of if u tilt u come close to ur skillcap? When i stay for about 2weeks to a month at almost the same mmr it means i need to improve to get higher


                                                                                                my first game in 5k ppl flaming me for wanting mid calling me 4k dog want mid and stuff so qop picked before me and wanted mid and said dog leave mid, i was so mad tbh then the other 3 started flaming me for being in 5.4 avg and wanting mid while im 5023, so i picked sf and qop went jungle and all agreed that i will get raped by the 5.7 or smth voker, then i flamed them end game telling them 5k dogs dont flame before u see the other playing and the other team reported me for smurfing and ruining there 5k game gg wp

                                                                                                LMAO that's just sad

                                                                                                When i stay for about 2weeks to a month at almost the same mmr it means i need to improve to get higher

                                                                                                what if i stay at 4k for more than a year

                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                                  ur not learning then clearly


                                                                                                    am i brain damaged? im winning party games on 5k avg but for some reason i cant bring myself to carry shitters on solo without getting ultratilted when some guy starts doing things as described above and i'm frustrated about it for another 3 days

                                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                      ur not learning then clearly

                                                                                                      im ten times the player i was when i had 4500 last summer