General Discussion

General DiscussionPracticing storm

Practicing storm in General Discussion

    So while practicing storm I was able to get 420 last hits in 30 minutes, probably could get 450. Most hero's when I can practice out 450 last hits in 30 it translates to 300 last hits in 30 minutes due to competing for farm with team. tho storm can farm enemy jungle safely so.

    But this requires TP boots right after blood stone since he has low move speed, so that you can mana farm from middle jungle to right lane, push the lane up to the tower, TP over to other jungle grab rune clear jungle and top lane.

    The Tp boots really increase storm mid game mobility and conserve alot of mana. making it way easier to control the map and farm without constantly move at 335 ms... or having to burn a ton of mana to move around.

    any reason why this is actually inferior to treads? I know you need the attack speed to finish the full combo, but orchid gives enough attack speed, so getting a faster orchid fix's the issue.

    seems like slightly delayed power spike, but better for carrying. but now since it takes longer to get lvl 10, and then 12, the time difference to get the faster orchid vs having treads is nullified in the new patches lvl 12 delay.

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      ur goal is to kill heroes not to get 500 cs @30 mins with this hero


        afeect, more gold and more items makes it easier to kill hero's and more specifically to have enough mana to kill more than one hero.

        and TP boots makes it alot easier to kill heros being able to tp right onto a wave instead of making jumps, and with 385 move speed its much easier conserve mana in an engagement and still kill mid game,

        So it seems to me tp boots is better for killing than treads cause you can be anywhere on the map instantly pre 6 slotted 3k mana pool.


          ur goal is to kill heroes

          Auto-attack dependent heroes benefit a lot from attack speed. That's also a lot of gold that could be spent on regen items.

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          casual gamer



              I'm sure there are games where you have to go split push farm storm. In those games bots are good. But not all games


                i dont know i never played storm haha


                  if i saw u farming all game on storm trying to get 500cs by min 30/40 I'd probably just afk/break my items/buy shadow amulet


                    You bank mostly with farming between ganks!! You don't need to afk farm all game! He's strong enough to get solo kills after bloodstone!