General Discussion

General Discussionyour lowest mmr and highest mmr...

your lowest mmr and highest mmr... in General Discussion

    what is your lowest mmr for both solo and party??

    what is your highest mmr that u achieve..??

    what did u do to climb to your highest mmr??

    my lowest solo mmr is 3.4k..highest mmr so far 4.2k..spamming bara as support to get highest mmr..

    I stuck at 3.3-3.6k party mmr..dunno what to do..need good 5 party


      Lowest 3k , highest 4k , spam 1 hero


        solo 1300 5300
        party 1500 5100
        i destroyed the enemy ancients but apparently i can't do that anymore


          I would like to see honest answers here especially from smurfs
          Afk farming


            Party 1400 2500

            Ghastly Wail

              Solo MMR : Lowest 1,7k Highest 2,3k Actually 1,9k
              Party MMR : Lowest 2,2k Highest 2,2k Actually 2,2k lol

              Play alot with a Friend 2Stack Games.

              We play for fun not mmr.


                solo 555 2.7 k
                party 500 2.3k

                white boy summer

                  solo 1230 3250 (current)
                  solo 2381-2381 (didnt do shit with it


                    Solo 4300 something
                    Party 3800 something

                    solo 3100 something
                    party 3100 something

                    currently 3.8/3.3

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                    Forget me not

                      Solo 2100 4200
                      Party 1800 3800
                      Spamming offlaner at 3k (clock,magnus,centa,techies).
                      Spamming Spec, PA, Riki at 2k.

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                        Lowest - normal skill
                        Highest - very high skill
                        Never calibrated.

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          Solo 2900 4695
                          Party 3500 4828 (which is now,update it Dotabuff!)
                          -Only play jungle


                            lowest 2200 highest 4600


                              ^^ icetea im worried about u man not to become autist xD

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                I am fine ty good sir


                                  Solo, Lowest - 1.1k, Highest About 4k
                                  Party, Lowest - Idfk, Highest - About 3.7k
                                  Idk what I did on low mmr but from 3k + I just played mid, and from about 3.7k I spammed jugg.
                                  Now I play what my team needs (mostly core though)
                                  Wish I could play more though. I think I'm a bit too low for this mmr (70% wr)
                                  And I dont analyze my games... (Still winning wtf)

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    1392 2412
                                    1142 1792
                                    kunkka my boi 6.88 pogchamp


                                      lowest: tbd

                                      highest: tbd


                                      Optimus Drip

                                        I calibrated at 2.2 k, that was my lowest point ever, my highest point was about a week ago at 3632


                                          Solo Lowest 1,2k Highest 4,2k
                                          Party Lowest 1,5k Highest 4,5k
                                          1,2k - 1,6k never lose because im used to play normal alot
                                          1,6k - 2k spam jug (bf agha mjol build lol)
                                          2k - 3k spam spectre (6.86 ftw)
                                          3k - 3,6k dont know what i do
                                          3,6k - 3,9k smurfing (ye im bad)
                                          3,9k - 4,2k spam slardar
                                          Now i planning to spam spec for 5k but my friend keep want to party with me

                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                          Long hard road out of 2k

                                            solo 2500 4000 now 4000
                                            spamming lich from 3.5k to 4k
                                            party 2400 3400 now 2700
                                            mm rng really


                                              Solo 1500 lowest 2900 highest, current 2830
                                              Party 1200 lowest 1400 highest, 1350 current
                                              What I did to climb, flexibility, and also playing mid

                                              Marduk From Theia

                                                Solo 1300 lowest, highest 3200 until now :)
                                                Party always stable about 2700

                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                  Solo 2.6k lowest and 4.2k highest, currently 3.7k, when I was in 3k I was spamming Balanar then I was able to make it upto 3.8k

                                                  Party 2.8k lowest and 3.1k highest, currently 2.9k


                                                    solo lowest maybe 2970 something like that or slightly lower, highest was 4605, now its 4526 but im ready to climb!
                                                    party lowest was 3200, highest maybe 3670, i dont play party much anyway :)

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      calibrated 3500 solo


                                                        good to here..I see that there is a lot of hero to spam to climb mmr.. maybe can said that that just play with ur comfortable hero to climb to all of u guys..

                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                        Malcolm Reynolds

                                                          Calibrated 2.8 solo, and 2.7 party in December 2015.
                                                          Currently sit at 4.5ish solo and 4.2ish party.

                                                          Don't remember what I did, never truly spammed one hero.

                                                          Dark Hunter

                                                            Lowest 700 ish mmr i think (not quite sure)
                                                            Highest 2.075
                                                            Currently 2k

                                                            Gotta love those 5 carries starts!


                                                              lowest 4.4k solo 4.3k party
                                                              highest 5.6k solo 5.3k party
                                                              to climb there I did nothing, just played dota, could climb a lot more if I would be focused on improving

                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                Solo 2051 - 4681
                                                                Party 2.4k - 2.8k
                                                                I rarely party now
                                                                I pick supports in solo and let real 4k players carry my scrub ass


                                                                  Solo was lowest at 900 currently 2.7k after 10 months.

                                                                  Party at lowest was 1300 currently 3.3k after 10 months.

                                                                  My solo I seem to win like 6 out of 10 games atm. Party I win like 8 out of 10 games atm.

                                                                  I have like 4 different friends I 2 or 3 stack with. I usually 2 stack though makes it especially easy since 2 stacks pair with solo.


                                                                    solo MMR 1850 > 3700

                                                                    quite happy with that, but now i got monkeys and smurfs because of calib update and i have trouble to win now

                                                                    also arcanaut feeding.exe

                                                                    i spam all heroes i love to play, sometimes its support role (lion, phoenix, enigma) or its offlane (batrider for a moment, tidehunter, etc)

                                                                    jack of all trades, master of none.

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                      high 1k, like 1.9 or something i've calibrated the same day mmr came out


                                                                        Lul I got an ogre who stole farm and didnt even know wards and detection exists
                                                                        Also enigma midas against deathball strat

                                                                        i need xp u moron

                                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                                          2.6k - 4.1k solo
                                                                          2.7k - 3.1k pt
                                                                          Being a support good enough to climb unlike people who whine, saying "I can't win games because I play support"




                                                                              On this account 900, and the highest is 2800 maybe, on my 2nd acc 4200 highest and lowest is 3600 I believe


                                                                                Solo = 3.7 > 3.3 > 4.4
                                                                                Party = 3.9 > 3.6

                                                                                Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                                                  1800 lowest 4900 highest, i just started to play fully muted. But dota is less fun if you dont hear russian Kids crying.