General Discussion

General Discussion33 kills 8 deaths still lost

33 kills 8 deaths still lost in General Discussion

    because monkey died twice mid my magnus decided to flame him
    non stop for 20 minutes and start doing pingbattles hahaha

    Hint: it was a turk and a russian on EU west :thinking:

    I raped the enemy team with the 2 supports while monkey and magnus hit the jungle so that they can farm but still type and flame each other kappa.

    the enemy spectre eventually outfarmed me in minute 50 with radience and my CK just doesnt scale as well into late game and then we lost. NotLikeThis

    i have a mic, even when they got mega creeps i said its ok bois we can still just take part in one teamfight and dont flame i can take ancient alone, but they kept typing and flaming.

    weirdest game ever but somehow still fun, ult and reality rift instakilled everyone expect the spectre.

    if only those 3rd world country monkeys could stop playing in EU west, with any other player no matter how bad i would have won.

    just take part in fights and press spells would have been enough

    makes me think how much you could improve your MMR if you tale psychology classes and learn how to calm those people down

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      Kills doesn't guarantee a sure win if you didn't push and take objectives.


        who cares? it's unranked normal skill coem on


          I'm sure it must be a dank af meme game, which is what you should find when you play pub


            yeah true i probably could have won if i just went alone and get the other 2 barracks, i dont think backdoor protection is enough to stop a 6-slotted CK. I also made 1 or 2 mistakes late game where when i played smarter it might have ended better. those 2 monkeys didnt help though

            Farm then Carry

              I'm a better Monkey King Kappa


                31 = 33


                  1 = 3
                  1k = 3k
                  Now everyone knows why I shit on 3k

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Who care about Unrank game, I play Abbadon jungle and make divine rapier at Unrank game.
                    and 33/8 is bad ratio only 4.0 and mean you fight too much and no take objectives.
                    13/0 with 19K building dmg

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      I just want to break their Ancient but they keep stopping me, no choice I have to wiped them before take their tower xD
                      Sorry for the cocky,fact is good teammate created alot of space

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                        I had too much game like this where i need to carry 200 ton guys. Holy fuck i need to finisg my exams quickly so i can play on weekdays

                        casual gamer


                          invoker ember jakiro pl spectre

                          casual gamer

                            the spectre counter is silver edge imo

                            also 4k take my mid xd



                              icetea you filthy jungle scrub your lazy ass got carried by the monkey and tinker while you afk farmed kappa

                              i mean i dont really care that i lost it obviously wasnt my fault, i killed all of them and had 5.) k Bld dmg while teammates all had below 800.

                              just thought its a fun story, basically Dota 2 community in a nutshell (especially smurfs, so much cancer "MUH TEAM HOLDING ME BACK" now even as smurf i loose all games dota RIGGED forced 50% winrate whine)

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