General Discussion

General DiscussionRemove 3500 mmr cap

Remove 3500 mmr cap in General Discussion

    Will valve remove this mmr max and go with the old rules of mmr calibration? Many players and I really dont deserve this mmr. Any valve employee please answer this topic sir ASAP.


      You can win every game after getting 3500 without a problem till you reach your deserving mmr.


        ^^ bingo

        People who are really 4k,5k,6k god K will have no problem getting EZ winz from 3.5k bracket.

        Pale Mannie

          there are no valve employees here in dotabuff
          only us

          Pale Mannie


            Negative Mental Attitude

              Many players and I really dont deserve this mmr

              Ranked MM 7

              Este comentario fue editado

                No sir, maybe you really dont know what it feels like to play with 3ks. Almost 90% of 3k players always want to play carry even if u have already 4 cores in ur team


                  NICE WINRATE ROFL


                    Really? Its not about winning the game, it is about playing the game. Im on the bracket of very high skill and its ranging 4k above. After i play my first ranked it is averaging 4.3k and I play carry AM got an 13-2-7 kda with a gpm of 800. The next day i played ranked again and its only averaging only 3500 and its bec of the update. Dont talk if you dont my side. GO CHECK EACH AND EVERY FUKCING GAME ON MY RANKED AND GO BACK HERE TELL ME HOW CANCER 3K IS. YOU CAN NOT BASE YOUR MMR ON WINNING, DOTA IS ABOUT TEAMWORK FOR U TO ABLE TO WIN. GO REBUTT THIS FUCKING STATEMENT. LET ME SEE WHAT IS YOUR PERSPECTIVE


                      Yeah you dont deserve your mmr, should've been 1k lower.


                        Really? Its not about winning the game, it is about playing the game. Im on the bracket of very high skill and its ranging 4k above. After i play my first ranked it is averaging 4.3k and I play carry AM got an 13-2-7 kda with a gpm of 800. The next day i played ranked again and its only averaging only 3500 and its bec of the update. Dont talk if you dont my side. GO CHECK EACH AND EVERY FUKCING GAME ON MY RANKED AND GO BACK HERE TELL ME HOW CANCER 3K IS. YOU CAN NOT BASE YOUR MMR ON WINNING, DOTA IS ABOUT TEAMWORK FOR U TO ABLE TO WIN. GO REBUTT THIS FUCKING STATEMENT. LET ME SEE WHAT IS YOUR PERSPECTIVE


                          Really? Its not about winning the game, it is about playing the game. Im on the bracket of very high skill and its ranging 4k above. After i play my first ranked it is averaging 4.3k and I play carry AM got an 13-2-7 kda with a gpm of 800. The next day i played ranked again and its only averaging only 3500 and its bec of the update. Dont talk if you dont my side. GO CHECK EACH AND EVERY FUKCING GAME ON MY RANKED AND GO BACK HERE TELL ME HOW CANCER 3K IS. YOU CAN NOT BASE YOUR MMR ON WINNING, DOTA IS ABOUT TEAMWORK FOR U TO ABLE TO WIN. GO REBUTT THIS FUCKING STATEMENT. LET ME SEE WHAT IS YOUR PERSPECTIVE


                            yeah you dont deserve that. if i find you in my game i will find you and i will kill you.
                            have a good day sir




                                ^Really sir? You cant even reach 3.5k. Maybe you are one of 3k sea cancers. Talking a lot but still a trash


                                  You're just another delusional 3k player.

                                  I've been there done that, trust my words because I know my stuff and this is a valuable piece of knowledge for you. Here's why your perspective seems so correct from your viewpoint: you are doing better than those around you more than likely, in aspects that you just so happen to notice. You're simply not able to receive the full picture. So maybe you kick ass mid like 80% of the time, but what about the other aspects of your gameplay that bottleneck your overall impact? Those simply can't be ignored. You may be pretty good, but that's not how life works for the majority of the population.

                                  Life isn't "fair," neither is dota. Being a good player in dota is like being a manager at your job, except it's more subtle and you're only managing 4 others and they don't know it. You should know the ins and outs and understand how things will go down and know what to do, as if it's just another inborn, natural action that you perform constantly.

                                  Think of it this way: you don't get promoted to a management position at a job until you've had years of experience somewhere else. You can put all of your effort into your job and tryhard but nothing is going to happen 95% of the time after just a few months. But after a few years, it all becomes natural and simple and you don't have to think twice. That's when you're on another level. That's when you go to 4K from 3.5K. When you have to TRY to be bad. When you more than deserve it, when you're stupidly overqualified for your position and skill rolls off your fingers like water from a river.

                                  You don't get rewarded in life for doing a pretty good job. There's billions of others doing a pretty good job at everything. You have to be REALLY, REALLY good or else you get nothing. That's just life, get used to reality. Lots of people, especially people like you who think you deserve greatness, don't understand exactly what that is.

                                  No sir, maybe you really dont know what it feels like to play with 3ks. Almost 90% of 3k players always want to play carry even if u have already 4 cores in ur team

                                  Anyone who is 4K has probably played with 3K's more than you have, so that's incorrect. To be 4K you have to understand the mind of a 3K player, being 4K means a 3K player largely has trouble outsmarting your methods of play. That's part of the skill, see what I mean? You are delusional and you can't even see that. There's nothing for you to do in this situation but humble yourself and improve.


                                    ^ big wall of text but its true.
                                    Pubgames will never change unless your all 6ks.


                                      @CEO i understand what you think sir. I also came from 2k and create new acc and managed it to 3k, from that point I know im better cause I loved this game more than I do, I have a harwork learning this games meta and i successfully manage to reach above 4k. Im just tired playing averages i dont deserve if i really only a 3k player why am i dont fall on high skill bracket? From the first game since ive made a new acc ive been playing on very high skill bracket and go the high skill bracket after the update. All i want is to play NOW mmr that i deserve bec that give me chills whenever it is a good game and my real reason to play on high mmr games is because i want to learn more metas and techniques that high mmr players have. Thankyou


                                        I just want to be better

                                        Dark Hunter

                                          I can agree with CEO. Plenty of times i've seen players blame others for "feeding" when they dont rotate to help out (don't even have a tp). Sure 90% of the time you might get 5 carries. But so does the enemy. If you play to win. Then be the smart guy and pick support. Starve yourself to benefit the team. Even if your team is "mentaly retared" its hard to get killed if you're 5k networth ahead cuz you create space and ward. Sure you might get killed in the teamfights over and over. But every second they spend killing you is another second wasted killing your carries(better to stay alive tho lol).


                                            Valve has never gone back on anything so

                                            Dark Hunter

                                              Also, if you want to learn new techniques. Watch replays of pro players playing the heroes you want to learn more about or gameplay in general, decision making, item progression etc. But i don't mean on youtube or anything showing how good they are by showing the clips they kill in. You need to get the whole picture, get the match id, analyse the game completly, pausing and rewinding to see how they for example deal with certain situations in ganks, who they focus, when to back out etc... you get the picture.

                                              Long hard road out of 2k

                                                just stf i reach 4k playing pos 5 lich so you are just noob


                                                  speak for yourself peasent like 42% wr at 3k bracket kys fucking cancer player oh wait i dont play on sea servers but anyways go kys you dont fet to tell ppl they are trash if you yourself worse than trash


                                                    then you come here crying on db


                                                      I'm actually meeting a lot of ppl who are tbd while callibrating mine XD I think there's been at least 1 in every game.


                                                        Tell me op, why do you think you can win 4k games when you cant even win 3k games? You can give your acc to any 4ks+ on this forum and they will show you how bad yourself and how ez 3k games is

                                                        casual gamer


                                                            @(x+1)^n, I'd be down to do that.


                                                              if you dont deserve it, then win enough games after calibrations to raise it nob



                                                                You can win every game after getting 3500 without a problem till you reach your deserving mmr.

                                                                People who are really 4k,5k,6k god K will have no problem getting EZ winz from 3.5k bracket.

                                                                Moffle Pendragon

                                                                  As ImagineDodong said. this thread already answered from earlier post, just ignore the trolls.
                                                                  personally i do prefer it maxed at 3500 after calibration since 3K have most player playing than 4K to 9K combined

                                                                  Negative Mental Attitude

                                                                    No sir, maybe you really dont know what it feels like to play with 3ks

                                                                    I Rage A Lot

                                                                    SOLO MMR

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                      If you are really above 4k before this why play a new account? just go back to your old account instead?


                                                                        I know whats going on in OP's mind. I had the same train of thought a few months ago. I've been stuck in 2k for a while, just recently broke the 3k barrier, when I actually decided to accept that I suck and that I need to improve myself.

                                                                        Anyhow, I always was convinced that I was pulled down by having bad teammates every game so I went on and made myself a new account. After a few games I was in high skill level and another few games I reached the very high skill bracket. Games were more challenging and more fun yes, but my hidden MMR was inflated. An account level 5 with 4k hidden MMR is NOT THE SAME as an account level 50 with actual 4k ranked MMR. I was playing with other level 5-10 accounts that were probably a bit better than average 2k players that were trying just as hard as me, and since the game sets your hidden MMR based on your GPM, XPM and other values, it doesn't represent your real world MMR versus the crowd.

                                                                        All in all, OP must think he's worth 4k MMR because his smurf account reached very high level playing against other low level account players. The hidden MMR was based around his game stats rather than wins and losses, which is meaningless in the end. He probably wouldve get rekt in real ranked just as I would've got rekt if I went through with my smurf account. I am now 3.1k and that's my real MMR.

                                                                        That's just my 2 cents.

                                                                        My smurf;

                                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                                          U wanna see how 4k play in 3k average mmr? Look at my recent games


                                                                            Any valve employee please answer this topic sir ASAP.

                                                                            ive seen enough for today

                                                                            Ghastly Wail

                                                                              So you deserve higher MMR.
                                                                              Makes me wonder, why not just playing with your Main then?
                                                                              Is your Main 2k and you just think that you belong in Higher Bracket?
                                                                              Or why you dont play with Main?


                                                                                another crying baby that blame his allies and valve for calib reduction

                                                                                play on your main acc
                                                                                stop crying on forums
                                                                                get good
                                                                                if you got 50% WR or less that means you deserve to be a 3K.

                                                                                i stomp people like you every single day, and i didn't made a god damm smurf when i was calibrated 1850MMR.


                                                                                  Delicious tears of a failed smurf


                                                                                    i play with 3k players party though i got only 1.5k mmr and i prefer playing with them cuz i play support since i learned dota being support on my mmr bracket sucks you get always blamed and shits though you are trying as hard for them not to die


                                                                                      Dis too

                                                                                      when I actually decided to accept that I suck and that I need to improve myself.

                                                                                      Although I didn't strive to improve myself hahaha, maybe you just need to realize and accept the fact that you suck like some of us inluding me lol.

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                        If you deserve 4k you'd shit on 3k and get there with 60% winrate


                                                                                          Hello I'm valve employee. I called icefrog to personally look into your case. After careful measurement of you profile stats he looked into my eyes and said that ur 2k scrub then run away with evil,fanatic laughter shouting loudly and clearly GIT GUD M8