General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre

Spectre in General Discussion

    What you do when ppl in your team pick spectre?
    and what you do when ppl in enemy team pick spectre?
    also why ALL spec talent have better winrate when you dont pick the make-you-tankier talent?
    i picked the tanky talent (armor, stat, str) 90% of time except the lv 25 talent which most of the time the spectral dagger reduced cd so op (also for the luls, its fun you can q many ppl in teamfight)


      If your team has spec, give him/her/it space (if spec is the only carry).
      If enemy team has spec , don't let him/her/it have space.

      casual gamer

        pick bara and make space


          or pick bara and take away space if shses on the enemy team.


            How to make space without feeding. That's the question.


              make the most out of your feeding I guess? like make 4 heroes commit before you die that's good


                talent winrates reflect what people pick when they are winning or losing a game rather than whether a talent wins or loses you a game. they are lagging indicators and you can't use them to identify which talent is "better".


                  шо ?

                  Forget me not

                    1. I pick a strong laning mid like PA, Lina, Weaver , or magnus so I can make space for him.
                    2. Pick an offlane that can pressure him hard and can snowball , or roam support and ward all of their jungle then ask for someone to help you gwnk him when he farm.

                    Forget me not

                      @(x+1)^n the hell, your last spectre game, the enemy has Sven and slark, easily counter spec and you still win


                        On team = Make space and pray to fucking God that he's not retarded enough to go VG BM build
                        On enemy team = Deathball and starve them and pray that he's retarded enough to go VG BM

                        Andre Kairalla

                          When there's a spectre in the enemy team, i recommend going Undying in the oflane, bullying her in the lane so she cant farm. You also bully her in TFs