Fast movement speed, damage block, hp regen items, basilius or tranqs early for lane armor. I suck horribly at the game no matter what I do, but especially when I solo against multiple enemies. Best thing to do for someone like me is to become hard to catch, hard to kill, and soak up the exp. Survival before farm for me. It differs for everyone.
you dont, thats the solution.
you get as many XP and LH as safely possible.
the goal in offlane is not to win the lane, but to get as much out of it as possible. everything else is bonus. thats why you pick heros that are lvl-dependent and dont need much farm.
example slardar:
2 escapes: crush (aoe stun) sprint (run away to safety)
items that he needs to be efficient: tranquils, blink.
so all you need is lvl 2, 700ish gold, et voila, you have max movement speed and an easy to land stun. you go and kill mid with a smoke rotation. back to offlane.
if its not possible you hit the jungle until the lane is pushed under your tower.
block the enemy camp at start with a ward, so that enemy supp cant pull his creeps.
pick an offlane hero if you play offlane, helps. escape or AoE stun abilities for fast retreat to tower.
get lvl 6, gank.
@Thanks hmm, nice tips but things become difficult when all of this occurs in the radiant safelane because the jungle is at the bottom so two go top, 1 mid, 1 jungle and 1 safelane(many times me)
This is one of the worst laning phase you can get
Going jungle got ganked by pudge and sd. Face it its your life
Remember do single creep pull if its very bad go to jungle and give up your tower
Whats the mmr of the enemies, ranged or melee, whats your role/hero, whats their hero.
The answer isnt the same for every situation, so give me a proper scenario and ill tell u
Pick stronger laners, turtle and creep agro. It needs a lot of patience and practice I guess.
MMR 4k
Solo Offlane : Weaver
Enemy Lane : Juggernaut, Kotl, Disrupter
Oh that's a simple one, grab a tp and fight the support with least regen kick him out of lane and go shrine.
Now you can freefarm.
Tp is for being super duper agressive vs 1 supporr then tekeporting to the shrine once you burn all your mana/hp.
Certain offlaners can go super aggro lvl 1 others need lvl 2. Some need more farm others dont, some will want to iron talon jungle some wont. S I T U A T I O N A L
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I always do very badly and lose my lane when I am against multiple opponents no matter what hero I am playing. Any tips on how I can do better against them. I get harassed very hard and either die or have to sit under the tower only to lose it quickly.