General Discussion

General Discussionreporting enemies is back??

reporting enemies is back?? in General Discussion
white boy summer

    title lul

    Ghastly Wail

      yeah that title is lul, you are right

      1-IceTea 🌟

        I hope it don't so I can trash talk to enmies when I won game
        Kappa I don't do that if they didn't start it


          ascalon why u red days me green :((( ami noob ? :((


            I think its good. Many times I'll win a game due to some salty toxic tilter to only have him on my team the next round.

            Types "mid or feed" ... ahh i can already see that -25 mmr.

            Ghastly Wail

              ^^ s h u t u p Katz


                the Catz


                  there definitely has to be some hidden mechanic change to this

                  i find it hard to believe that valve would just rewind it back

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