General Discussion

General DiscussionSpeaking of dire radient Winrate differences... what about the days o...

Speaking of dire radient Winrate differences... what about the days of the week? in General Discussion

    So I was looking at my activity page and noticed it broke down my winrate for specific days of the week.

    Monday 53
    Tuesday 50
    Wednesday 53
    Thursday 47
    Friday 49
    Saturday 53
    Sunday 49

    Just wondering what everyone else's winrate by day look like and if any pattern exists or everyone will be random and have good days vs bad days.


    doc joferlyn simp

      bad days are definitely the weekends and fridays. best winrates happen late at night/early in the morning

      i guess lots of casual kids play during those days, and no chill casual player plays at inconvenient hours

      Dire Wolf

        day time dota is really bad usually. Fridays and saturdays seem to bring out all the asshole carries and junglers so you better get ready for 5th position solo support. Like in this match I picked safe lane weaver first pick and lifestealer went ape shit on me in the pre game, telling me to go offlane even though we had an offlane, just would not stop bitching about how stupid safe lane weaver is, then he eventually went jungle leaving me solo vs pa. I lost the lane hard but didn't feed and we stomped in the end anyway.