General Discussion

General Discussionan idea to improve matchmaking

an idea to improve matchmaking in General Discussion

    hi guys. i have an idea that can decrease matchmaking problems a lot. i think valve should replace the after match commending mechanic with MVP choosing with these conditions:
    *you have one vote and 10 seconds to choose
    *being MVP needs 3 votes
    *you cant vote for yourself or your enemies.
    *party members cant vote for each other. (both teams usually have the same party count so there wont be a problem.)
    *players with mmrs more than 500 points higher than average mmr cant be MVPs
    *in ranked matches winner MVP gets double mmr and loser MVP doesnt lose any.
    this mechanic helps matchmaking to be much more fair. it can speed up the process of finding a player's skill level AND recognising its changes. what makes it very good is that it uses players as judges instead of numbers so it has far less chance of abusing and higher accuracy. this also can increase the feeling of coopration and respect between players and make a much more friendly environment since now the teammates can help you advance faster.
    the only downside that i can think of is that a lot of mmr will be created and the maximum mmr rises very fast. this problem can be solved with this solution:
    *the points given to MVPs are reduced from enemies. for example if there is an MVP in losing team the winners get 20 mmr instead of 25. they accually dont get mmr from a good enemy player.
    so what do you guys think? and by the way is there a way for me to inform valve of this brilliant(!) idea of mine? somewhere that i can actually recieve an answer?


      not sure might work or not but i think it is quite decent.

      the only way i know to inform valve is probably by posting it on dota 2 reddit and get to the first page.

      just note : making enemies gain less mmr is very bad since if 5 played well get less mmr because only one player on the other side played well that would be unfair


        the idea behind mmr change is to let better players play with higher players and players with lower skill can win and enjoy more. when there is a good player on losing team i think he has to go higher. and the mmr change is just 5 points for every one so its not a very big deal. they just give back the mmrs taken from that good player which is pretty fair

        by the way here is the reddit link. upvote if u like.


          Or consider behavior score so 9k beh score play with other 9k
          So 9k can be enjoyable dota and 1k is a wasteland worse than lp

          1-IceTea 🌟

            Bad idea


              just a "bad idea" wont work i think. we are here do discuss about it.


                ok no one speaks of downsides. no comment on reddit. no one showed me a way to say my idea to game developers. what should i do?

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  i think there are 2 downsides to that idea man!

                  1)it is retarded
                  2)u are retarded

                  thats my feedback!


                    thanks for your productive and polite feedback.<3
                    i mean it can be a dumb idea but still i think its worth a few minutes of discussion. at least its more useful than predict my mmr shit.

                    Este comentario fue editado
                    Potato Marshal

                      Quarantine the Philippines


                        this is so fucking awful tbh


                          It would fucked up the balance i would get 3k in 2 day if dat happen but nyat i still need to grind


                            ok im retarded but i have done nothing wrong being retarded. i mean i didnt choose to be one. so why are you this agressive?


                              and i want to add that you should consider the odds of having a MVP in a match. you should be so good that 3 of 4 other players on your team vote on you so its not going to be an every match happening. its just a reward that is going to players with outstanding performace.

                              Este comentario fue editado
                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                no u just have to go smth like 10/0/5 carry with 750 gpm which is not hard at all if ur supports are competent and enemy supports are awful and ur allies may be like "hey this doesnt cost me anything so why not vote this guy for mvp?"

                                wow u have a good score and farm in a stomp my fuckign congratulations what a legend! xD


                                  if you think of it having a 750 GPM and a very good KDA isnt that easy and if you are able to score it you are probably more skilled than the average of this match and you probably deserve it. it actually solves another problem with matchmaking. now it doesnt matter how much is the gap between team. its just a win. but with this mechanic winning hard actually matters.

                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    no it is and u know too little about dota to understand it


                                      I'm sure 10/0/5 and 750gpm won't get u a commend, unless it's some really low ass 2k mmr game, but in higher games ur gonna have to play good and be commended for ur actions not fucking 10/0/5 and gpm, but it's still fucking useless and pointless, it's fine the way it is rn.

                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                        if you are that high where its that easy for you then your teammates are also aware of that and dont consider this outstanding enough to be voted for MVP

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          my god u are one dense individual arent u

                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                            The guy just wants some advice...of course the fucking russian has to come make it an argument


                                              how about everyone in the game gets to vote on someone getting sent to low priority.


                                                Downside would be if a player gains more than others this would increase boosting-smurfing and acc selling. Which is the worst thing you could do.

                                                Instead maybe choose an mvp from opponent and if they lose he dont lose any points and his teammates shares burden. But that might have same boosting-acc selling issues.

                                                Or maybe if someone feed cour, sell items and does some random buybacks opponent team chose him as "game ruiner" so he gets all or half of total mmr lose. Maybe a total -125 or like - 60,70 and rest of his team loss 0 or like 10-15. What about this? I think 5 lp games not fair since noone cares about 5 idiot lp wins. But ppl tend to care about their mmr more than anything actually.


                                                  Choosing a game ruiner can make wrong blames take effect and may cause an innocent to be punished but it still is a viable option.
                                                  Boosting problems are bad but they are side effects of making easier for people reach where they deserve so its not really that bad.


                                                    ^ Thats why i think opponent should chose game ruiner since they can kinda know who is ruining. 0-40-0 am or courier feed or rage buyback and sometimes diebacks in laning stage is completely game ruin and opponent team can choose this player to lose -125 and his teammates get 0.

                                                    I guess our suggestions points different issues. Mine is kinda rare situation and more fair approach to "those games". Yours is letting someone to climb mmr more. Let volvo hear us both and find a good solution my friend :)


                                                      Now i get it. But still i think winning team doesnt care about the feeders and even sometimes commend them.
                                                      I dont think volvo is going to hear us here dude. We are alone.


                                                        Stupid idea - any cast where they do a poll for the MVP invariably chooses the carry or mid of the winning side.


                                                          Each team has its own mvp so its not just the winner.
                                                          What you are talking about is voters outside the match. They cant see how useful the wards were. They dont know who made the team keep it up and comeback. But players know these things much better. I commend my supports much more than my midders or my carries

                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                            I don't know about this but there is one thing I'm sure, if ever this thing gets implemented the chance I'm gonna vote for an MVP is seriously slim.


                                                              Sounds like a decent idea, but it needs a lot of work. Certain low impact heroes will definetly be ignored because their usefulness is not clear in game.