General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips for 4.5k?

Any tips for 4.5k? in General Discussion

    Other than git gud what should i be looking out for man? Ive been hovering on the border of 4k for a few months now wondering how to secure myself to 4.5k. My target right now is 4.3k i am willing to pick any position

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    1-IceTea 🌟

      Jungle ursa


        You being serious right now?


          jungle ursa is good, i was around 62% win rate with him, once me mmr improved, my wr still improved with ursa to 66% despite games being played against better players, so ice tea idea is good. its the hero that you can really dominate with easy


            Pick what's needed, don't flame ever again,try to win every game even if u are 10k behind at min 15.


              Mute team if you are toxic, spam a few heroes you good at. And i think in 4k positioning and knowing when to back is a big +.

              Im 2k so dont listen to much to me


                bro was 4100 one time i didnt progress to 4500 fast it takes time since u never had that mmr u will see wht im talking about