General Discussion

General Discussionhow you win over other mid laners

how you win over other mid laners in General Discussion

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    i would be happy to know how you solo kill your enemy mid laner.


      altho it does feel good to solo kill the enemy mid, you can win the lane just by outfarming the enemy, or denyinh him his farm

      most of the time i think the the biggest factor contributor to laning stage is efficient use of aggro. i mean you can have terrible mechanical skill like i do but can still win games mid just because i can manipulate the lane such that the enemy is put into an awkward position and i can place him into my own kill condition, because the enemy is a shit aggro laner

      eziest thing by far is ask for a gank from your supports at level 1 if there are 3 of you, and 2 of you if there are only 2 of you ez


        By praying the enemy midlaner doesn't play with a monitor


          Check map check level check item and mana
          Lv5 sf can kill anyone with 20soul and 2 razes
          Lv6 lina can kill anyone with stun ulti and 1st skill (try to use stun on lasthitting enemy)


            Know how your opponent plays, you'll see within the first day (in-game time).

            Lane control is everything. Do you need to double wave to ensure that the enemy gets no farm under tower because either you see they suck at getting CS or the hero has bad base dmg early-game?

            Heroes that have advantageous power spikes, and/or rune gankers (qop/puck). If you are playing an invoker, you don't contest runes, instead use a forge spirit and send it to a rune to deny it, or get if it's like a regen or something beneficial for you to stay in the lane and farm well.

            Vision in mid is important, if you want to "win over other mid laners", ward your lane, and watch the clock and minimap, don't get smoke ganked if your supports aren't tping in to help. That's why I always suggest partying with a roamer if you are a mid player, get them to secure ganks for you, and be ready for aggressive divers from the opposition.

            *EDIT, I also see that you play meepo, don't ever miss a ranged creep. Iron talon, right-click--->poof. If you are having trouble with either farm, or levels, secure one or the other. But don't be under farmed AND under leveled.

            Este comentario fue editado
            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Play Lina


                play arc
                hit 6
                kill enemy
                lock out lane with witches
                take tower


                  Depending on the matchup either ruin them by killing them at ur appropriate power spikes or hit every deny and every cs

                  casual gamer

                    a lot of the time now im just playing sf and i run into melee range and slap the enemy mid then he runs away and he gets triple razed ROFL


                      >plays in 3k
                      >brags about outplaying them
                      Must be cookie

                      casual gamer

                        pardon me sir my sk is awful

                        casual gamer

                          in general ursa mid usually nets the most kills imo. if ur playing against a melee hero and buy oov a lot of time you can just dive them under tower and kill then walk away from tower and salve = ez gg

                          plus haste/invis are guaranteed kills and illus/dd and rly good too


                            😏you don't know what trash means until you see me mid😏


                              U havent seen my shaker

                              mr. rabbit

                                I dont

                                I build talon and abandon that shitty lane forever because i suck




                                    ursa mid will get you some solo kills as asdf said.

                                    lina is pretty good atm, if you can land the stun you can probaby get solo kills.