General Discussion

General DiscussionWarmup for ranked

Warmup for ranked in General Discussion

    Do you warmup and if u do what you do ?


      if i do then i play invoker in overthrow (temple map because it lasts longer)

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      1-IceTea 🌟

        I mentally tell myself I have climb so fast so far,it's ok to drop back,I won't lose anything

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          i change server from auto to euw, its good warmup practice, thanks valve


            Only time I warm-up is if I haven't played in more than a week. Otherwise I go straight for it. I am an untiltable player, but regardless running a warm-up match will still run the risk of making me a little frustrated regardless. I personally play better fresh is my viewpoint.



              also jdf8


                white boy summer

                  lol me too, have to adjust auto to euw cuz eue is a cancer although i live more to west than east


                    I only warm up if I haven't played for a week or two. 1-2 games Unranked.


                      Demo hero while waiting in queue if I want to be ready for last hitting, bot game if I haven't played for a bit.

                      Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

                        Grind up a few nugs and get my vape ready for hero selection. I smoke about .20 of a gram before every match.


                          No more ranked im where i want to be, smoke weed as warmup 😅


                            I actually warmed up with lobby csing for 10 mins because of the cold wheater :P


                              flame 3ks on dotabuff so i can flame 4ks ingame later on


                                massage my inner thighs while singing "eye of the tiger"

                                Chao Vritra

                                  back when I would play ranked, I would go into a lobby game and try to make every last hit in 10 minutes without any bots or items. This probably sounds ridiculously simple to some, but I rarely play carry so it really helped me (also not as easy as it sounds, in theory you should be able to hit every CS without the distraction of other heroes, but I was surprised to see how many I missed and waited until I was perfect with this to start carrying or even playing at all. Just a good warm up in general. I would also sometimes play a 1vs1.


                                    I slide a needle into my dick so when I play my ranked game I am already prepared for the pain.


                                      I go and Jungle in unranked and go super greedy

                                      Ryan Gosling Fan

                                        I watch retard russian viedeos on YouTube so i get to know my next Team mates


                                          idk, i just turn on dota and play it

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            i put myself in a microwave

                                            NOT GOOD ENOUGH

                                              SEA NS yolo just go in and pick carry hopes team support if there's support ez +25


                                                I warm up by being communicative during drafting stage.


                                                  I kms.


                                                    hehe DIS

                                                    I slide a needle into my dick so when I play my ranked game I am already prepared for the pain.

                                                    For me no warm ups just click find match and hope for the best, also right now I'm not really trying hard so it doesn't really matter xD

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                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      Smoke weed, have water/gatorade/iced coffee ready. And go ham.

                                                      After game, take a little break whether I win or lose. Go to the restroom, get a little snack, refill my drink, and then continue the grind.

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        idk just play if i can. although i will only play if i can guaranteed play 3 games in a row


                                                          How can you focus when you're high?
                                                          Whenever I took drugs or drank before playing I'd just miss every cs and lose mid hard


                                                            Weed is good for lh it keeps you focus
                                                            With mushrooms and acid its a different story..


                                                              I played worse when I was high on weed than when I took acid, although I was coming down.

                                                              Can't focus, react way too slowly