General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is addressed specifically to 1-icetea

This is addressed specifically to 1-icetea in General Discussion

    How do you win games with lycan? Saw you profile. Low KDA's but you still win. How are you doing it


      He destroys the enemy ancient.


        He plays the fucking objective.

        doc joferlyn simp

          objective based gaming, efficient micro and item progression, ability to read the map correctly and knows what to do according to what he concludes from the map assessment

          1-IceTea 🌟


            I've learn how to 'map control' better and I go for enemies Ancient,sucided to take 1 lane while I sure enemies can't push on my respawn time.

            to be short see my building dmg.

            By the way,mom I am famous now

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              icetea triggers me so hard, because he has so much talent for this game but he doesn't use it.


                Rofl a triggered cookie


                  there's so many people like sia who try insane and aren't even 5k

                  then there's Licetea who's a walking meme and getting 5k with jungle while he could be 6-7k by now laning

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    *aren't even 5k yet


                      That's the thing im not trying yet im planning on how i should start trying to doto like writing analysis results and having the book im just screwing around in dota itself :P

                      but ye he is gud but he probably got other plans with his life


                        Also im failing life xD if i studied all the time i put here i wouldve got like 500 more uni experimental exams mmr lul im 5600ish rn gotta get to 6500 or smth in less than 3 months smh

                        This the acc i play with at the moment and i made it for our shitty gamenet to play with my proer friends and the cant push buttons keyboard and 4:3 monitor rofl

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                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          i aren't 5K yet don't put me on stress.

                          Maybe is because I once play in a CC that they said MidOne been there before he became pro? Maybe I adsorbed his vibration of proness? xD


                            bcz lycan is supose to use W in fights and push all buildings


                              is this icetea himself asking how he wins game?

                              realize how attention seeking he is atm.


                                Manipulator 33 minutes ago

                                after opening thread and asking question, never shows up, while icetea has replied twice talking "he is famous now".


                                icetea, if you need love, find it elsewhere, not in a pseudo thread in forum.

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  ^says the guy playing at a lower bracket than he usually does saying how he'll shitstomp people hard and tried to make a big point of it by making a thread lmaooo. and plays his best hero lmaooooooo

                                  glass houses franku

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                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    What if I told you there is alot of overlapping matchs that happened in same time on OP and 1-ice account, will it be I playing 2 different match at same time?


                                      im still 4k despite ruining constantly, tilting players, afk'ing and not doing anything :D playing like a bot when insulted etc :D. I play seriously like 1/10 games :D because it's not worth it the rest of the time.


                                        when i see frank, i REALLY think it's not impossible for anyone to get to 7k just need to tryhard af. If this guy can become 6k why cant we lul. i mean hoooooooww retarded can u be to call everyone attention seeker in every thread while the topic is something else or the guy is memeing af


                                          why do u play tho benao? :/ cant u play a better game seems like ur just tired of dota

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            was really happy for benao that he was able to move on from dota for about 3 months then hes back, looking to add more to his long list of well-wishers on his steam profile


                                              benao's steam profile has the best comments


                                                I do use 2 pc 2 acc at the same time (like 5 games already)


                                                  lol, lots of delusionals. will come back to this forum 2 weeks later.

                                                  worse than reddit honestly


                                                    Bro. Thats somewhat weird. Icetea and I arent the same. Idk where you are getting all your hate.


                                                      add me cuki


                                                        I play mid. He plays jungle. How are we, in ways similar?

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          stay in reddit franku. there you can circlejerk all you want

                                                          Not Saske


                                                            i motivated that jungle dog to win

                                                            credits to me.
                                                            thanks me later.


                                                              do ratting strats work ? especially in highier tier?


                                                                Played ratty storm yesterday, was so fun actually


                                                                  icetea currently playing at 4.9k dude he plays jungle hes winning games

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                                                                    @coki why do u say licetea can be 6k?