General Discussion

General Discussion4v5 whole game as pos 5, and ended up carrying the whole game in 6999...

4v5 whole game as pos 5, and ended up carrying the whole game in 6999 avg game in General Discussion

    bought all wards, had lowest net worth for more than 25 minutes, ended up with highest kda and more damage than carry.

    does it happen to you before?

    *4v5 because enigma just afk farmed and bought 0 wards as well as dying multiple times and not joining any fights until the end.
    * ta is alacrity 8.2k in SEA, jug is timothy 8.1k in sea.

    I was very angry with enigma as he just randomed when i already picked a pos 4 roaming, he fed whole games and u know what the 8ks say? mute the enigma and we will win. these are examples of pma that we all should learn. those who are really good in this game has no time to care about how their teammates do, they believe that if they do well themselves and focus on what they can do, they can eventually win the games.


      yep, happened to me as a lich once

      team was a bunch of retards who picked all core so i ended up doing LITERALLY EVERYTHING till they had items


        you had 2 8ks in your team. wtf


          Sounds like nearly every single of my BH game

          very good csgo player

            Big dick zdonfrank beat a WG United player


              Yeah sounds like most of my roaming bh/riki games or other similar.. fun when it happens. Anyway,

              >Well Played!

              doc joferlyn simp

                hey pretty good post frank.

                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                  i think you need to define what is carrying the game. i can see only TA and Jug carry the game as they dealt the highest damage to tower and hero. i know you play a part in winning the game but i think you should not say you carry the whole game, sound like you did it alone. i'm sure this darkdeer did well in cynergize with your ss. a good bh can play important role in turning a game around too.

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    at first i think the "6999" part is a meme just because its contain 69
                    i am sure the game winning party is when he smoke the OD
                    dont you think smoke screen riki too op in all stage of game?

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      im 69 mmr, are you saying that i'm a meme

                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                        carmilla, i don't think so. i believe is the black hole that turned the game around.

                        Livin' Real Good

                          Sounds like you got some 8K shitters.

                          *edit nvm, you're not 6K, but still. lol

                          Este comentario fue editado

                            i have learned valuable lessons frank tnx

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              *Riki ulti when enigma BH,pew pew 3ple kill*

                              *Enigma is so useless I carry and support him all the way*

                              Btw GJ frank,will you get better mmr then 5821 now?

                              ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                if he plays more riki, it's going to go down to 4k soon. this hero is broken at the moment

                                Shikanoko Noko

                                  you beat ben? never expected than but wow


                                    Lol. Trust frank to brag and overstate his contribution. Anyway just give him more attention.


                                      lol, go watch replay if you want to find out the truth.

                                      enigma is garbage in the game.

                                      watch replay and find the truth.

                                      the real riki OPness is from the proc of maelstorm which could proc 5 at the same time during his ulti.

                                      at the radiant fight outside t3, i did 4.9k dmg when i ulti into 5 with ds vacuum, while 4 other heroes did less than 900 dmg.

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        ^Nice you are the man frank,even 8K pro only do less then 0.9K dmg While you can do 4.9K dmg you are so cool.Can I get your signature? agree that you will be my sex slave

                                        Your are so good man, support who has best KDA,are you going to start a new team?or join any team?You so pro you can make SEA team to take a TI7 or TI8 man,salute to you.

                                        *Throwing my attention to your face*

                                        Sorry mon,ma England had been boommm by techies before,I try my best to express ma respeck 2 u but words from ma England not enought,it is still fixing,bad techies,report techies.

                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          Bump,Franky need more attention


                                            no disrespect. you didn't carry the game actually.

                                            it is your game impact that you made in the game that makes you think you carried them.

                                            you got a pretty good lineup tho (you can defend mega creeps, strong teamfight AOE) compared to dire (weird shit, mostly single target).