General Discussion

General Discussionhow to lane a carry without lane support

how to lane a carry without lane support in General Discussion

    How can i lane a hard carry like terrorblade in my bracket with lane partners stealing cs and having solo lanes because some retard is going jungle


      Tell him to FUCK OFF or go jungle
      If you get solo lane, feel blessed
      You get solo xp and you can control the lane if you're good with lane equilibrium manipulation
      Get good with lane control?


        same way you lane an offlaner or a midlaner

        i follow Jesus.

          protip from a ex-1.8k mmr scrublord: DONT PLAY CARRY
          venomancer, pudge, nyx, ANY HERO
          just get boots level 1 and run at the enemy offlaner if they are dual laning pray to have a support in your team, or else you're fucked mate
          another tip is to play high-average heroes like luna tb alchemist on casual so you'll get high stats, then just first pick terrorblade and tell them "i

          i follow Jesus.

            'm good check my profile scrublord"


              "yo i can solo this lane, can you farm jungle or go help mid/offlane?"

              be nice otherwise he will stay just to spite you. but nicely ask him to fuck off.


                1.8 as a starting mmr is not that horrendous tbh


                  DONT PLAY CARRY



                    in my mmr bracket sidelanes are just a shithow of dual lanes so the lane becomes hell when youre solo against a duel lane

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      "One of the reasons I would never ever consider playing safelane"

                      Player 368673122

                        lose hp asap , sunder the mofo stealing your creeps watch him sook n die and tp to another lane or simply suck it up and leave quietly LOL

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          why abandon low mmr accounts to get higher mmr accounts, smh

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                                thing is kr, in 1k its usually not a solo offlane, its a dual offlane.
                                how do u deal with that, especially bad ones like undying kotl or sk cm

                                Cancer Malaria

                                  TB is squishy af


                                    Don't lose too much hp trying to lAst hit. Eventually they will get frustrated Nd dive you. That's where u hope ur team responds and u win the lane

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                                        Maybe I'm bad but I have gotten dumpstered by centaur offlane trying to 1v1 him as TB. It was fine at low levels but once we got to level 5 and he had a ring he started spamming double edge on my head and there was nothing I could do after that. Also I'd imagine DS would be very hard to 1v1 although I haven't played the matchup recently. Cheers for the tip about blocking the hard camp though usually I just went meta lvl 1 and tried to deny as much as possible at minute 0 but that makes sense.

                                        yung griphook

                                          @alpha you got the star not me but TB's good against phys dmg dealing offlaners because his starting armor is so high. so if youre going against like an SK or a centaur like in your example its hard to last hit when youre getting delt magic dmg. But if your mmr a support should recognize that and help zone, but in OP's bracket (and mine as well), they often dont recognize that.

                                          that being said, OP will get way wonkier lanes to go against, not all of which are strong, so that what he has to try to exploit in the way that @KR said

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                                              quick reminder that 1-3k players have absoluteley no idea on how to lane

                                              3-6k players have some

                                              only 6k++ players can lane reliably.

                                              when you go solo vs 3 man offlane in 1k it's like getting 3v0 lane in a 6k match

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                                                Cookie san any tips on how to mantain lane equilibrium


                                                  the lane with more creeps, pushes
                                                  optimal equilibrium is infront of your tower but the creeps are outside of tower range


                                                    what he said^ what i said


                                                      Cookie cen i sux ur pnes agin


                                                        Biggest tip I can give normal
                                                        Skill scrubs on 2v1 safelAne is that u should rejoice because likely they will keep pushing under your tower so u can farm
                                                        There. But the biggest mistakes scrubs make is tanking too much creep dmg under tower aside from just missig all last hits under tower. (Which makes the lane hard for noobs) you will get tower dove and lose lane. So stop tanking creeps under tower without regen. And get a tower last hit arcade to practice