General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre radiance first or manta style first?

Spectre radiance first or manta style first? in General Discussion

    well i always play spectre with manta first (poorman>phase>urn>yasha>manta>radiance>etc)
    for me radiance to risky especially when enemy gank a lot. i always focus on creep equilibrium and farm manta first, because for me the desolate damage from spectre (pure) and 33%hero damage combo with ultimate skill always been an easy kill(especially with teammate ganking)

    but the problem is, pub always want radiance or vangguard frst on spectre for surviving the lane. but i always escape gank with a good micro (dagger, phaseboots, juke tp, juke salve) but people still think im bad for not having a tanky item. so they bash me a lot, i just want a damage dealer spectre not tanky one. and i add radiance on 30 mark for 17%miss chance make me tanky, can farming easily after that and stack with illusion with manta

    so here is the question. do radiance still good on early spectre? because i never felt the damage from it and the survivability from it
    which manta i usually can dodge thing and fake escape from it

    so how's your opinion on it? sorry for bad grammar

    Dire Wolf

      I thought radiance build was old now? idk but I wouldn't ever rush it. At least get aquila, phase/treads, urn or something first.


        noob here. reason why we get radiance first is you get to farm items a lot faster? not sure though


          No shit u get basics first before radiance


            honestly it's pretty easy to make a decision after you have - phase, wand, pms, urn/or drums + ringofhealth, the moment you hit 2k gold, ask yourself how easy AND QUICK will it be for you to farm an extra 1.8 without putting your team at a risk of having to lose their momentum cause you're either
            1. standin at tower pingin mates to not take ur creeps before they come to tower cause ur so 'close' to rad or
            2. u are jungling alone and very very slowly gettin +50 gold while watching your teammates actually have back to back battles that WOULD be an easy 'worth' if spec was with us but because ur bein a tool it becomes a trade that's 1 hit on 4 heroes away from being even

            i usually always yasha or in some cases go diffusal into yasha and realise coming online a lot earlier with spec will grant you the 4k-5k you're lookin for in burst of gold for rad anyway i absolutely hate waiting for a spec to come online and he's only close to relic NOT rad


              Carries need to farm fast to keep up and Spectre has to be among the worst farming carries in Dota. Early Radiance helps with that while giving your chasings lot of power. It's good if your team can stay alive and not feed while Spectre is being useless (even Ulti doesnt help, only steals kills) farming slowly in jungle, or if they don't gank you and force teamfights in safelane.
              otherwise I like to get Midas and then Manta. Midas because killing the first creep without deso is hard as fuck.


                u always buy stuff like urn, wand, phase, pms, sometimes vanguard, sometimes even yasha before radiance, cuz spectre without it farms atrociously. but I wudnt want to delay it, radiance on spectre is a game changing item, u become so much more threatening.

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                    why not add a bfury and vanguard before it

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                        honestly I don't wanna go radiance unless I can have it before thirty minutes, otherwise it just takes too long to farm and can just cut your snowball. rushing radiance in my opinion is still a decent option, although i normally get phase, urn and pms before that to help get solo kills when available to speed it up. Idk


                          ^this isn't some sort of shit where u want a rlly fast radiance or no radiance, cuz for spectre its not just a farming item, its a fighting item, and it heavily changes the game regardless of time. even if u have a horrendous game and need to go ful vanguard yasha beforehand and its 30 min, radiance shud never be off the table I think.


                          midas actually is fine on this hero, u also really dont need much more than wand and maybe an urn b4 ur radi
                          the heroes strong for his ability to kill squishy int heroes with a +1 to set up, thats how the hero has impact since he cant hit towers and his creep hitting ability is quite poor
                          u dont really want/need many stat items since if ur playing spec in a good spec game ull always have ur radi at a good timing and once u have radi thatll just break the game open
                          for all of u pro player fans, ive seen arteezy/reso do it multiple times as well as others

                          spectre is a she what r u saying?


                            correct me if im mistaken but spec blew up for pubs when Badman was spamming him and his build was ALWAYS phase (sometimes treads idk why), urn, drums into diffusal manta - mainly ruined due to the drums nerfs in particular its hp regen switched to mana regen so vanguard became a must if you actually dont wanna have to urn yourself everytime you take any damage

                            ever since drums became no go on spec, everyone seems to have reverted back to rad core - but still ... diffusal is actually so good for ulti in fights before radiance early imo... little extra mana burn dmg and secures a kill beautifully instead of replicating and just running with them with rad, seen a lot of pros get blademail before their rad if they don't plan on manta/diffusal at all with heart being nice item


                              diffusal is nice, but the whole idea of spectre being rlly good late game is that she is unkillable, tankier than even dusa in most circumstances, and she just burns everyone to death, deletes ur supports with the press of r, and is unfightable. diffusal is a good midgame item, especially with manta, but its not a must buy.
                              the badman is build plays differently than rad core spectre, and even then, I wud go rad after the whole manta diffusal early fighting thing. badman spectre is a more mid game fighting oriented build. spectre with radiance likes to farm up, and go for pick offs with her ulti.


                                if u can build boots(phase or treads) vanguard and radiance below 30mins, that's a sure win mostly IMHO.


                                  Depends on your early definition. I mean if you are not missing CS (let's say 60+) and you had kills or assists under your belt in the first 10 mins, getting Radiance is good. Don't ever go for early Vanguard tho. Way too pricey. If you have good amount of last hits and some rotation kill participations, you should be able to get Phase + PMS + Aquila + Wand + Radiance before 20 min mark.

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                                    I'm pretty sure 18-20 min for that is a good/decent timing


                                      Where are you gonna get urn charges if there won't be kills in the first place


                                        Why get super late radiance especialy after you get manta if you can just get something better for midgame fighting which is THE REASON WHY YOU SKIP RADIANCE unless you somehow snowballed out of the midgame build

                                        ace recovery

                                          PMS > Phase (Situational items: Magic wand, Urn) > Radiance > Manta

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                                            GRANT MACDONALD

                                              You should be getting urn charges because your 4-1-1-1 build nukes anyone who goes under 350 HP which at level 7 if your lane went well is entirely possible.


                                                regardless ... any build with spec and no urn charges, ur doin somethin wrong cos how is absolutely no one dying in your vicinity especially after the first use of ulti, not to mention its not entirely useless even if that were the case lol... unless u wanna get aquila i suggest u dont dagger unless ur plannin to go back to base to heal up mana for the next dagger

                                                urn is a must straight up, makes you less passive as a spec whilst savin for rad & not have to waste time on regens/tp to base after survivin a gank etc efficiency of urn for him is insane, unless you actually get picked off it's free healing salves till your rad how 2 pass up dat for a vang

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                                                  If you want more dmg than tank items play some other hero, what's the point of spectre if he's squishy


                                                    but there rnt many items besides manta and diffusal which are better than rad in the midgame for fighting on spec, so after that I wud still get radiance

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      Still can't decide between Treads and Phase.


                                                        ^phase a lot batter if you can juke a lot. treads for damage and kill only
                                                        urn>manta>radiance. because manta secure a lot of easy kill and gank, radiance always 30min mark, does it great on 30minute?


                                                          It depends on the laning phase, you will still want to pick up those early game items and not run with brown boots and a stout shield like most 2k games. If you have a good laning phase with free farm (and early kills with Haunt) an early radiance will allow you to sky rocket your farming speed and will have advantage team fights, otherwise you go with Manta -> Diffusal/Radiance when your laning phase is poor.

                                                          You could consider Mjollnir as an alternative to Radiance.


                                                            ok i try it to rush radiance first after basic item (urn,pahse etc) and for me its kinda suck. the networth gpm xpm still same like i use manta but the different i cant participate in teamfight most of the time. and with manta i can participate in kill and gain urn charge whic is nice.

                                                            well i got lucki the enemy miss 2x attacking me when i had 20health with that radiance

                                                            but i prefer manta first for early kill