General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do u do as a roaming support if u cant gank anyone

what do u do as a roaming support if u cant gank anyone in General Discussion
mr. rabbit

    like for example im an sb against something like od/lifestealer/underlord and my team doesnt have enough damage to secure kills durnig the first 10 mins (am safelane + jungler for example)

    wtf do i do

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        i'd just say win your safelane then spam spells on the other lanes, you don't need to kill them, only make them not farm preferably taking their tower

        if you can't even do that, then do what kr said


          gank supports, no way you cant kill them with allies from the respective lane you are ganking.

          you can still harrass enemy carries, in ganking getting kills is good, but if you dont get them at least they have to use fountain or salve or run out of regen faster then your guy in the lane.

          also then you need to stay off the minimap, dont show. if the dont knwo where you are, you might be charging them --> fear

          you can always do greedy stuff like pulling the small camp and taking the neutrals there, just walking around collecting bounties until gank possibility arises.

          thats howi actually play pudge, no gank --> pull lanes and take the LH, collect bounties


            there is actually a pretty nice video on where they show how black^ plays pudge

            mr. rabbit

              how do i win the safelane if i cant kill them, zone out their laner and try to secure my carry's farm as much as possible?

              mr. rabbit

                i think i get it now ty


                  Alice pls leave roaming to me and stay at being a single role retard


                    just ask yourself in which lane you can do most in terms if kill possibility and harrassment.

                    sometimes it might be better to be in your safelane often if you can kill the offlaner in combination with your pos 5 supp and carry

                    sometimes maybe better to stay in offlane if your offlaner has a very hard time or if you can ruin the enemy safe lane


                      afk leech lvls in a spot until showing your presence makes it easier for your safelane to have an even easier time or (let ur mid know ur just fuckin around) let their mid see u position yourself for a gank but you're just leeching lvls and making their mid ping and stand back whilst waiting for a support to come ward or some shit, even legit just running to mid to simply harass make him shrine, use bottle charges etc (spam get back to ur mid) and repeat till rotates happen, spot the secure kill on the map and geddim

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        afk leech lvls in a spot until showing your presence makes it easier for your safelane to have an even easier time

                        Please, do not ever stay in lave unless you're planning to do SOMETHING in the lane. Harass/gank whatever but don't just stand there and leech. What happens if you do that is once you leave lane your safelane will get shat on by the offlaner/s with their XP. At least your carry has some levels in whatever skills he has so he won't get easily bullied by the offlaners when you're off ganking.