General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan Players

Lycan Players in General Discussion

    Which items r good for lycan dis patch?
    I saw some pros skipping Necro.

    Mr. Jin

      I saw a YouTube build which builds armless and mom. Haven't try it though.might Try in one of my Games.

      also jdf8

        armlet echo is my fav. then sb/bkb/deso/abyssal situational and then ac


          Two builds.

          A) Rat, usually jungle build: Rush vlads (6-9 minutes), then Treads, Necromincon (lvl 3 at 17-19 minutes?), AC, Moon Shard and Deso (optional). Optimal build for that is 4-0-4-0 (then filling in your ult and w as needed).

          B) Pos 1 carry - of which I'm sure you just build whatever is needed. Like JDF8 (smurf?) said.