General Discussion

General Discussionwhats the best way to play when u have the lead over ur opponent

whats the best way to play when u have the lead over ur opponent in General Discussion
mr. rabbit

    ive had a game where me and my team managed to throw a 15k lead against meepo ( ). idk but we just mindlessly threw ourselves to the enemy highground while building extremely questionable items tht doesnt help us capitalize our lead

    the same was also the case for my last spirit breaker game, i managed to make a decent lead for my team for the first 10 mins, but for some reason even tho sf got his tower taken and went 0-2 he still got a 14 min sb and it started going downhill after one last fight. then i look at the match and our lead wasnt actually that high to begin with...

    so next question how do u recognize if ur lead is actually high enough to go for a highground (or other really big objectives)?


      Get good high ground items such as crest/lotus orb, don't make the mistake of diving shrines instead you want to put your most farmed hero at the front with aegis and siege, force them to come to you. If you don't have aegis don't try to force hg, instead farm the map and choke their resources, pick them off if they try to split up and farm efficiently in their jungle which you should ward.

      mr. rabbit

        crest? now that i think about it, isnt evasion good against meepo?


          Crest is for the guy going hg to tickle the tower for 2 seconds and back off again

          1-IceTea 🌟

            I don't care weather win or lose,I just go HG everytime when I got the change hahaha