General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i improve my gameplay as a support

How can i improve my gameplay as a support in General Discussion

    Here are my matches playing as a support in ranked. Those are my first 2 matches playing in ranked. Can you guys point out my mistakes and help me improve?

    Player 404335202

      I thought its just a video game !


        you have 56 lh and 300 gpm in a 1 hour game, it's like you never seen a creep in your life

        you only need 2-3 wards up on the map at all time, wards last for like 6-7 minutes, idk what you did for the rest of the time as you clearly werent pushing with only 1.9k bld on a hero who can chop towers like potatoes.

        2nd match was even worse, you had no damage, no gpm, just afk

        if you wanna be better at supporting play greedier, pull to get yourself farm, farm when not ganking/pushing

        not afk and run around in circles

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          Oh i see why i have an average mmr of 2k.. I dont have enough hero dmg and building damage. And also, you are right about me going around in circles xD. I have no idea what i am supposed to do when there is no teamfight as a support


            hero damage having any meaning on pos 5 silencer


              Watched the Warlock game.

              You didn't bring enough regen level 1. You should buy 2 clarities on warlock so you have mana to sustain your heal. You bought a sentry although you didn't see any indication of them warding around your safelane. That's a hundred gold that could have been spent on a smoke or something.

              For all of the laning stage you are just leeching xp and denying creeps. As soon as you saw the lane was pushing you should have gone to double pull, pulling the wave back to your tower. Also, in a dual lane vs dual lane situation you can spam pulls to net you and your carry an experience advantage. The carry gets solo experience when he can't come up for last hits and you get levels off of the jungle creeps. Only do this if your carry can tank creeps under tower. If your carry dies in the 20 seconds it takes to kill the small camp and starts to cry, then tell him to mind his positioning and mute him. If it is impossible for you to get any profit out of your dual lane vs dual lane without dying, abandon the lane.

              At 6:45ish you finally use that sentry and you just mindlessly plop it down in the middle of your lane. Not even trying to find a ward, -100 gold. You also rush upgrading your wand rather than just putting that gold towards your arcanes. Upgrading your stick is not always necessary and early on it sets you back a little bit as a support. The stick pick up vs an ogre is a good idea though.

              At 13:30 you ward your cliff behind your t2 while you still had your safelane t1 up. The cliff by your fountain was already warded so this ward is redundant and provides nothing for your team. You could have warded aggressively, giving you vision of the enemy's movements. When you are warding you are placing your sentries right on top of your obs which is inefficient and wasteful since you aren't using the sentries reactively or trying to get the most out of them.

              Didn't watch past minute 15 but it looks like you have to work on your item priorities and most importantly when and where to ward.

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                You bought a sentry although you didn't see any indication of them warding around your safelane. That's a hundred gold that could have been spent on a smoke or something.

                it's never bad to have a sentry in your inventory
                but yea guess he's gonna do a lot of ganking with a warlock LUL


                  It's bad when you see the ogre warding mid and that sentry sits in your inventory for almost 7 minutes. It's good that he's buying sentries but he doesn't know how to use them efficiently so frankly there is no point in buying them unless it's reactively or in anticipation of a push.

                  Also, I don't have to explain to you why buying a smoke early is a good thing. Even if he just smoked mid to walk at the sf with invoker it would have been hugely beneficial.


                    Positioning positioning positioning


                      dont let the other supports deward it.


                        @PIG i used that sentry so that my core will not get ganked by the Riki.
                        @Arin Yeah.. I just realized that i need to stay with my core so that he can stay in lane much longer


                          @arin dude, low level players buy the items they see in pro games and have no clue why they do that. I'm telling you 2k bracket will be filled with Midas Anti-Mages that'll proceed to lose just cuz they saw it once from Burning. They don't understand why, they don't know the circumstances. I buy a tp and smoke and 2 wards, tango, clarity, 1 sentry as support, tp to a lane, smoke prepare the field, deward their ward depending on the type of offlaner (if he wants to sit lane, he'll have an obs at our camps for sure, maybe even blocking). Better offlaners just block the pull camp with a ward, create mayhem in order to get doublewaved (2 ranged creeps) and soak xp. They'll lose that vision after a minute, but what do they care if they are lv2 by mnute 1:30. Dota is so complex, people should stick to their bracket and understand what's needed to be done there. A 2k support doesn't need to do these stuff. I even buy courier, tango, clarity and some dmg items from then on, get midas, proceed to skyrocket my farm, eventually buying 1 ward/5 minuets and get 4 slotted @min25 with a support in a 2k game easily. You just have different stuff to look out for


                            @meme with a warlock you should be 6 slotted by 1 hour. Try to take fights with golem, even if they run, you can proceed farming camps / push lane with golem. It's your bread&buter farming tool. 99% of times you want to get midas on that hero. Keep in mind: It's the team (cores) relying on the support and not vice versa. YOU are the difference, YOU are the foundation; a stable ground Dota is built upon.


                              Also read Cookie's guide to CM, it's perfect for your average pub ;) gl

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                Dude, just spam shit at the enemies and right click. Not hard.


                                  Dude how many wards per min u buy? In normal skill I easily have 10 wards per min u gotta gitgud


                                    @Stirling Can you give me the link to his guide?
                                    @i like cats Yea i know but i want to improve my mechanics (Warding, pulling, controlling creep equilibrium, etc)
                                    @Jacked I usually buy them when they are available