General Discussion

General DiscussionClockwerk support

Clockwerk support in General Discussion

    So, I saw SG Esports play a Clockwerk support against Liquid and it freakin works. I just realized how viable, a support this clockwerk is when I was able to play with him lately.


      Problem with him is that he'll probably by the one taking all the runes. Clockwerk needs XP badly. He doesn't have a reliable stun, base MS is abysmal. Which means he will need another hero to setup his skills for him. Now that I think of it you can get all the value you need in a level 1 Hookshot.


        I do agree witn that. But since map awareness is very terrible on less than 4K bracket. I think he is quite a good support to be played.


          Its interesting you bring that up because I've been thinking about offlane heroes transitioning to the position 4 role and its surprising just how many they are... Slardar being the most recent one, Doom, even Earth Spirit and Elder Titan were viable offlanes back in the old days... Sand king still fits both roles well and Phoenix is probably my favourite hero to play in either role... I think Pudge and Undying are niche picks that could situationally go to the offlane but obviously fit position 4 better...

          Guys, just don't play jungle Legion Commander, please.


            Most of the time, I play Legion Commander jungle. I don't see anything wrong about that. Can you enlighten me?


              LC is too strong to play in the jungle. The only heroes that you send there are those that farm at an incredible rate (enigma) or simply cant lane because they dont have an innate escape mechanism or tankiness. The hero is meant to serve as a lockdown, which is what duel does, and hence the purchase of a blink dagger is obvious. This is an item most offlaners buy so they can initiate and start fights. However, it takes way too long for a jungle LC to farm it. Not only that, she levels slower, but when shes in the offlane, she can calculate which creep kill will give her level 6 and instantly duel the carry, given of course the situation is right and ideally has backup, get a kill and duel victory without blink.

              One of LC's other strong abilites is being able to contest farm with a melee enemy safe laner quite handedly and trade hits without suffering too much. Even a single point in Moment of Courage is enough. The rest is textbook. Starting fights, locking down the enemy, making the enemy carry kill themselves with blade mail, snowballing with duel damage...

              The problem with a jungle LC however, is that she doesnt serve as an offlaner, but a position 4. Its just as daft as a jungle lifestealer or wraith king. Yes, they have innate lifesteal abilities, but they do nothing in the first 15 minutes of the game but farm up your jungle and take up resources on the map. Its too greedy in the current meta which favours the early game so much, and even if it werent for the meta, it would be counter productive to the team. A support thats not only NOT stacking the jungle, but farming it up. Who is not ganking, not stealing enemy runes, not dewarding etc.

              You see my point?

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                I agree more or less but calling LC a pos 4 is way too much. By "pos" I mean farm priority. Her lockdown is one of the best in the game but it is also dependent whether she lives or not. You need farm for your tank items, otherwise the only thing you'll be doing is feed the enemy more kills and duel damage.

                LISAN AL GAIB

                  No, the current meta does not favour early game as it used to...thats why MIDAS gaming is back stronger than ever. Your point is valid LC offlane, get to lvl5 with 3 points on in Overwhelming odds...what the enemy carry back with 30% of their health them come back for 1 last hit and attack them once (if you are lucky twice) and then again, watch them back in fear with 50% health gone...jaded has a great point, LC is too strong to let her waste her time on the jungle, she is also super strong vs a double lane but she does struggle vs a tri lane with 2 stuns...


                    I can't tell. I had much success playing jungle LC (other account used). Usually gets dagger around 7-8 minute mark then ganking starts. I don't really know man. Since he is played alot at less than 4K bracket. He can snowball easily, since the the players at this bracket mostly fails at positioning and you can easily hunt down a hero solo.

                    PS. Blademail counters heavy right-clickers.


                      But yes. I agree to the point that LC scales better as Pos 3

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                      LISAN AL GAIB

                        I agree...No offense but in your bracket (Not like 4 k knows much about it anyway) people dont punish, you see enemy jungle means you can be aggressive, your carry can even be left alone in the safe lane so that it can get more XP or the supports can be very aggressive vs all the lanes cause they wont have the support of that LC or Wraith king that is f'ing if im playing support and the other team picks lady LC and goes Lulngle ill just tell my pos 4 to smoke and go there (if he has a brain he will go)...then we will arrive and the jungle will be at 50% health and will be like WTF are they doing in here...meanwhile your other lane should in theory still be fine


                          Damn. I already want to be in 4K so bad.


                            I usually get these weird drafts here

                            Hatsune Miku

                              LC cant offlane if they have strong heroes in lane, most of the time they will push lc to jungle. Also, you can always get 7 min blink in jungle its ways faster than in lane.

                              Este comentario fue editado
                              also jdf8

                                its legit imo, seen it twice and it worked both times

                                all sorts of dumb shit can be good in the perfect game


                                  the major problem with support cw is that he really wants levels and at least a little farm which means if your winning the game its good but if your team is struggling it becomes a really hard game