General Discussion

General DiscussionPls read and learn this

Pls read and learn this in General Discussion

    If you have to play solo offlane, pls for gods sake pick an OFFLANER.

    I just had a ranked game with a monkey king solo offlane with 5 (!) LH at minute 10.

    I am seriously considering stop playing pos 1 and take the 3rd position from
    now on.

    Most games offlaners feed or pick carries in offlane, which results in a team with no initiation and no map controle in mid game.

    I'm just fearing that I end up with a carry that has bad farming patterns or just misses LH.

    Unsure. Whats more important to destroy the enemy ancient?

    A good offlaner with good blink timing or a good carry that gets his farm up in time?

    Help me what should i do


      My hero pool as pos 1 is also limited to CK, WK and huskar

      while in offlane i can play magnus, CW, undying, brewmaster , clock, enigma and tidehunter.

      Maybe it IS better for my MMR to play offlane?

      I have the perception that safe carries suck at my mmr, but offlaner even more.
      So my thought process is, if i play the offlaner the overall chance of me winning increases right?

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        If you shut down the carry and his supports as solo offlane, no matter how bad your teammates are youll be winning

        Simply because even if they dpmt know how to kill/farm theyre getting at least something, enemy wont be getting anything

        I suggest sand king

        I got from 3k to 5k with sk/lich/cm

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          lich offlane ^ ^ is kinda good u just deny your own range creep but MAN lich cant right click low dmg


            ^ ^ lich offlane is like enigma but Lich is really bad to solo Am i right?


              I see the potency of SK. if you have a melee carry in lane and the support sucks at keepinh you away (which they do at 2.9k) you completely ruin the farm of the enemy carry. sadly i would have to learn the hero first.

              i will try magnus next match

              mr. rabbit

                the most important pick is the pick ur comfortable with

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                Grand Lotus

                  @cookie sadly not true under 3k mmr (have never been above 2k so i can't judge for your bracket).

                  I often win the offlane and make their pos 1 and or support go 0 - 5 or worse in the first ten minutes, yet my mid or safelaner manages to die more 2 v 1 while i play 1 v 2 orso.


                    This means u get fed and go dumpster other enemies as well to get even more fed to dumpster them even harder to get more fed and then farm them in the fountain before destroying their ancient


                      ^Ok twitch chat thanks for answer


                        Never heard of "tactical feeding" strat?


                          you wanna give me your account for me to disprove you or is logical reasoning of '' 3 ENEMY HEROES NOT HAVING ANY KILLS/FARMS WHILE ALL BEING 0/3'' not working for you?


                            yo cookie , in 2-3k bracket what heroes can dominate offlane beside axe

                            also side not ; i remember in reddit before quite long time you said that you are making a 40 page guide to how mmr booster works and how to replicate them to get better stats but i cant recall that you posted it , did you give up on the idea?


                              sounds like delusional 2k to me.

                              I NEVER had a game where all of my teammates are bad.

                              Mostly 2 are bad, 1 is average and 1 player is good. but enemies are the same

                              when i player on my first account i also always said that my teammates are bad, ironically smurfing teached me different.
                              becausw i tried as hard as i could ignoring mistakes of teammates and being positive, and that made me sometime win games which i never thought i could win

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                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                MK is squishy and really can't survive

                                But Sven really has the potential, you gotta give him the chance
                                Plus, MoM and SnY are good cheap core items now and both beautifully works for him
                                Get a Blink Dagger in between and you're good to go wooooooooooooooooooooo RUMBLE SVEN RUMBLE


                                  i gave up, the guy who i picked is so slow that idk anymore


                                    st.fu kid. what wrong with dat shit everybody playing game for fun not records


                                      well, just as i feared. played magnus off this time, got my blink at 17, while my slark hot his echo sabre at minute 21. diving towers for no reason and dying nonstop instead of farming when i give him empower. Back to pos 1 it seems


                                        Just because youre bad at it doesnt mean other people are.

                                        Imagine if you shitstomped them and gotten a 9 mim blink + treads. Then you couldve ganked thr safelane and slatk wouldve gptten his items 5+ min earlier and you wouldve stomped.

                                        But instead with all the freefarm you gave to the enemy they snowballed and slark cant solo thrn becaude they have waaay more items than him


                                          well thats what i did, when i got arcanes i went top and we got the axe and the bloodseeker.

                                          slark got some kills early and the morph was poor as hell.

                                          I bought wards and smokes at around min 20 and asked them to get a pickoff in jungle, but the treant would just farm and the slark somehow managed to die in every engagement.

                                          anyway i cant trust some random high 2k player to use the space i create to farm and then carry lategame, because there is a 50/50 chance that he just sucks. instead i will do it myself.

                                          I have the map awareness to farm without wards, other people dont it seems.
                                          I dont forget that theres an axe with blink every 5 minutes, other players do.

                                          to be fair axe and bloodseeker are a though matchup for slark. but you dont have to pick slark into these 2 heroes

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                                            Picking dogshit heroes is a good way to learn


                                              U got 11 min arcanes and 17 blink

                                              You had 350 gpm, only way id drop below 600 gpm in NS is if im trolling

                                              You played 1 game offlane, and played it terribly, and you instantly call it quit

                                              Sad, be a man and stand up to your words aboit how offlaners are bad and how youd do better

                                              Instead of worse

                                              P.s you domt clearly have map awareness to farm without vision, look at your score and gpm.

                                              Youre just contradicing yourself

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                                                well, i am not farming away the few camps that are left as a pos 3.

                                                ok, ill give it another go.

                                                Maybe magnus takes too much coordination. I felt after every RP i landed there was no follow up.


                                                  U dont need co-ordination when youre 6 slotted at 30 min while enemy is.only 1-2 slotted

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                                                  Savvy Cat

                                                    Abaddon is the only thing that can get me through a solo laning experience. He is absolutely splendid.


                                                      man im not 5k, the mmr range i am in now feels appropriate for me. i cant play 1v5. I need at least one decent dude in my team to win

                                                      im certainly not playing CK in calibration matches again. I dont want to inflate my mmr because i only played my comfort hero


                                                        The offlane is my favourite position to play right now. You have a shrine as backup, potentially better options than the safe lane and you can go jungle if the lane is too hard. Even as whole, you play a huge role in controlling the tempo of the game. You can farm like a carry and have high networth but still not be as farm dependant and use your experience advantage to get pickoffs.
                                                        Through my experience, in a bracket where the 5 positions are not known, picking carry either results in a 5 carry team or too many supports who dominate the first 10 minutes and then feed because they don't understand their and the opponent's power curves.
                                                        If you pick support, you can have great impact in the first 10 minutes rotating for your mid and offlane and giving your team vision but ultimately have to depend on your cores to farm faster and take objectives instead of farming constantly.

                                                        Offlane is ideal for people who want to get a high networth, farm important items and still be aggressive in the early game. Just pick heroes that really are good offlaners. Slardar, Night Stalker and Doom have fallen in the position 4 category. They're not that strong now.


                                                          Why is a shitty player like OP complaining?


                                                            feed more and go back to low prio where you belong troll benao :)

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                                                              Offlane is the lane with the highest game impact in my opinion. He controls the enemy carries tempo, he can stop a steamrolling train in mid game with the right hero and can go missing to gank and nobody notice(Higher MMR's) sorry 2k's anyone can go missing in your game and your clueless. Undying, Pheonix, Razor, Centaur are some of my favorites. Love undying. he can wreck the whole lane 1v3.

                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                dude just play axe.

                                                                they leave their carry with you? enjoy free farm

                                                                3 lane? poorman + talon jungle + tp rofl

                                                                either they have support or not you have easy sure tranq +blink 10 - 13 minutes

                                                                and enjoy balanced call + BM bullshit. get force / sb and give easy map control .
                                                                Map control = win. because they are too scared to carelessly farming with u roaming around with blink + force/shadowblade