General Discussion

General DiscussionVenge Carry

Venge Carry in General Discussion

    So...we have seen Venge carry played by some pro's lately. I wonder, what does Venge bring as a carry overall. She doesn't work like a pushing hero like Drow, also her ult gives a way to cc an enemy but could leave her vulnerable.

    People higher mmr than me...thx


      people higher mmr than me.



        Great stat scaling, which means she'll become tanky af. She can be used as a Drow substitute with her aura skill. With Drow it would be an all-range kind of lineup but with Venge, summons work as well because unlike Drow (Precision Aura can only be given to creeps when casted and has a long ass CD) Venge aura is given to everyone.

        Her ult can also act as a save for her, maybe like TB Sunder where you steal HP from an allied support if no suitable enemy targets are withing range.


          her damage output is great late game. even if she is behind, she would be helpful


            daedalus = easy win. that hero is strong for a female support.


              You mostly pick venge if you already have a farming hero mid like sf or tb. you have a decent dmg output with her even if you are underfarmed. her talent tree is also really nice in my opinion and she has a very good stat gain. in the late you can like insanely hard with her and even boost up your other mid (tb for example with your aura) but she also has some rly weak point: not really mobile (apart from your ult), bad base dmg, awful farm speed and a pretty bad attack range. i also played her some times this patch but i think she is not good enough to be a "real" carry like naix or jugg but she is as i already mentioned perfect as a carry that takes 0 space so your midlaner is able to get really fat.

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                strong for a female support?



                  ^I lmao'd at that as well but seeing as how the mods are touchy about gender-oriented subject matter I decided to steer clear from it

                  lmao nonetheless huehue

                  Story Time

                    team has to compensate for her problem with flash farm

                    Dire Wolf

                      I haven't personally watched any games yet where venge went carry, but from comments it seems like the pick is more about flexibility in your draft. You can pick venge as an opener or 3rd pick and not reveal your draft because you don't know if it's carry or support venge. Then you slot in the last couple picks and choose her position. So I don't think pros are like hey let's go venge carry cus it's so awesome but more because it gives you a really flexible draft as opposed to picking like luna who is definitely safe lane or invoker who is 90% mid lane.

                      Jug is similar too, hides your draft cus pros will play him mid or safe.

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                        she can be effective with less farm. and anyways she doenst farm that well as a core


                          yeah I like VS core, she isn't very farm intensive and her talent tree is one of the better ones. The one thing I dont quite get tho is why VS mid not a thing? I mean woulnd't it make sense to put a greedier core on the safelane? VS should be just fine laning solo against most meta heroes (with notable exception of OD) and has nice kill potential should the supports rotate. I like lanning her against glass cannons like Sf.


                            one other thing no one else has mentioned is that she has a stun. she has a minus armor spell, she becomes naturaly tanky which means you don't need a ton of extra stats for survivability and can put another slot into a damage item. She is not a fast farmer but it's not terrible. her talent tree is quite good for scaling as a core and her ult can be used to initiate or to save herself or to save an ally. She is a solid carry that deals good damage at all stages of the game. Her biggest problem is the lack of mobility but there is hurricane pike and shes a decent sny carrier as well as she has a +35 ms talent if you are really need more mobility.


                              for core venge, you build 1 mid-tier item from your farm(yasha, dragon lance, medallion), start fighting a lot, then use the gold from hero kills and tower push to build your high-tier items of manta, butterfly, etc.
                              I think @pm already said it well, you don't put venge as the hard hitter carry for the late game, despite high farm priority in early-game; core venge is just mid game buffer for the real late-game damage dealer playing from mid


                                I was manfighting people as venge lategame cuz ur dmg scales very well with her aura, especially with the talent, and as a carry she doesn't need much besides pike and another item to already be a big threat. she is a space creator as opposed to the space consumers most safelanes are, kind of like safelane ursa, or even safelane np that we see a little bit of every now and then, at least in that regard. and as a carry she provides a lot of utility, works great with the -armor that is so prevalent, and pushes well too.