General Discussion

General DiscussionWk with Manta style?

Wk with Manta style? in General Discussion

    What the fuck do people think in this rank.
    They are completely bullshit.


      Don't u know manta counters axe?


        manta + radiance


          But he never used it at least when he was in front of a tower to push the line


            People using the word line instead of lane... almost as triggering as power threads.

            Este comentario fue editado
            Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

              manta on invo too lol


                Im more concearned about the skadi on arc

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  You are in same match with him while you play rank,it state the fact that you aren't better than him


                    @IceTea nice memes bro. Tell that to people who lose hundreds of mmr overnight LUL


                      Some games are unwinnable, but thats like 2-3 games in 100 games, rest is all yoir fault

                      If you lose a lot overnight you should stop playing and untilt if you dont want to lose more