General Discussion

General Discussionmidas qop legit? midas patch :thinking:

midas qop legit? midas patch :thinking: in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    just tried some of it today, first game no midas 8-0-6, the rest all losses and last one a 54k total net 67 minutes trash game with the classic lineup of abandon + 3 monkeys pressing buttons and playing "core", pretty much made me think about doing the same as my pic.
    any tips from good qop players? midas is just not THAT good enough or i'm just plain bad? i really enjoyed to play this hero and i've never tried her before because i legit NEVER SAW HE WIN A GAME. i always thought qop would never win ANY games and 44% winrate was a huge surprise to me because "how the FUCK can anyone win with this piece of shit garbage hero??? you can win all lanes, eventually you will feed your 10x spree and they will push mid and throne while you just weep and google "how to tie a noose""

    the main thing is IS QOP LEGIT ATM?

    not arin


      the problem is not with midas but with qop and midas purchase widens her terribleness even further

      i follow Jesus.

        man i feel like midas into a >20 min linkens is super good but i legit had never seen a qop win before in my life so i got really confused when it worked and i was like "wow this hero is so garbage but its actually fun to play maybe i can figure a way to put it into competitive matchmaking"
        turns out its a total FeelsBadMan Gun

        not arin

          yea qop is superfun but i've seen her win like once past year

          Savvy Cat


            I call it: The GPM Queen.

            'Called' it would be a better word; as I deleted the guide off Steam after lots of hate mail of pubs being lost because people were doing this in their allies' games...

            doc joferlyn simp

              ^Did that really happen roflmao

              Savvy Cat

                I don't know why it says its still on the front page, but the guide itself is fully erased, to my knowledge.


                  qop is fun. I feel like the hero gets really tough to play the higher up in mmr you go, because your room for error shrinks drastically. Also, I feel like it's better to not go octarine and focus more on transitioning into a right clicker. I would suggest going hex instead to give you a disable. If your worried about squishyness you can go skadi.

                  i follow Jesus.

                    yea i always get caught in the "shit i gotta clean this wave and tp back to base" because i'm an am player so i just prefer the aghanim octarine but i've been watching some videos and yeap its pretty much it i guess, midas into core linkens, never optional except when against earth spirit (migrate to euls instead), then a farming item and a survivability item, usually a raw maelstrom into shivas/bloodthorn/bkb.
                    i feel like the hero is just bad i guess, or else we would be seeing her a lot more lately because the fun factor is undeniable, its almost the same fun as farming as a naga siren, just ignore your whole team completely, put some zen songs on yt and enjoy the farming simulator, where you farm creeps until the enemy heroes become creeps


                      yeah no she's definitely lackluster right now. A good qop can still dominate but most high level players have the view that she doesn't bring enough to the table. She has no disable and is easy to burst if disabled herself and she does not play well from behind at all. she is basically a high risk with not enough reward if things go well. I think linkens might be more optional than you think but thats also probably just my bracket. I just go bt aghs hex as my core items though if you go linkens you probably skip aghs.

                      Dire Wolf

                        shes like lina, minus disables and scaling, so nothign like lina except squishy


                          I think in some cases midas qop is good
                          But qop winrate will never increase if ppl dont stop buying aghs on her or if aghs doesnt get buffed
                          Actually since a lot of games go late now i think qop is a good hero

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                            hey. if you play a hero in a viable but unorthodox way, you often catch people by surprise because they wont expect it and counter it accordingkly. well p[layed! you have a great dota future ahead

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                              Linken >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aghs