General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 Community is dead/broken

Dota 2 Community is dead/broken in General Discussion
The Chef

    As per title, the community is dead.

    I'm teaming with 3 joker, and my team's average is higher compare to enemy's team. In which there's still a 5.9k player in enemy's team.

    Please leave your opinion on this matter or how do you handle such matter.

    Best regards.


      so are u actually that stupid or not? im not sure


        welcome to the " average" where your MMRS are equal in total.
        that enemy Mirana wrecked you guys not that 5.9 k. She is a 4.5 k mmr player, your two 5 k players both fed.

        shitty games happen, no need to make a whine and bitch thread everytime you don't win MMR.

        Its not perfect but its a free game. go play something else, no one will miss you here.

