General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp! Behaviour score ruining my account? 4100 mmr to 3600 in a week?

Help! Behaviour score ruining my account? 4100 mmr to 3600 in a week? in General Discussion

    Okay, so little back story. I'm from Canada but playing in Vietnam as I'm travelling right now. I found the servers to be very toxic so I created a new Account and calibrated at 3800. I work very hard on being a better player, watch replays, focus on what I do wrong and not my teammates. I got up to about 4150 but I found myself getting into it a lot with other players, anytime someone would flame I'd argue back and get pretty aggressive because most times it was unwarranted.

    Because of this I ended up muted several times, and in low prio a few times as well. I started to notice that the quality of my games were going down significantly, as time progressed I'd see more feeders, ragers, throwers, egomaniacs etc, in the past week I've dropped all the way down to 3600 mmr, lower than I calibrated. Majority of the games are unplayable, with mega toxic players and people giving up from the pick phase. Im trying my best but I'm perpetually tilted at this point and I hate blaming it on my team but I don't know what else to think. I checked my behaviour score when I hit 3800 and it was 1000, which I know is like,,, literally cancer, since then I've been trying to stay positive and it's gone up to 3390 but it's so difficult. I'm considering abandoning the account entirely despite having worked so hard on it.

    Is this just SEA servers or is there a serious correlation between behaviour score and game quality. I've never had losing streaks like this before and it's seriously stressing me out.


      sea is sure hard, even if you try to be nice theres still cancer

      1-IceTea 🌟

        8K MidOne went to Europe~BOOM 9488 break the world's record

        зачем я начал поиск

          I have 8000+ behaviour score and I get mathced with autofeeding bots (literally), 0-24 CMs and 1-16 MKs.
          It is irrelevant.


            some think it effects play, others do not. I think your best option is to mute them and play, play support cause no one wants to play it.

            Other then that , dont play until your back to North American servers? I mean what are you doing playing dota when you could be out gettin sum from lady boys. In all seriousness, you can play dota anytime back in Canada, why play while travelling?

            Belligerent Andy

              Sea is toxic. I'm at 3.4 and I've given up on getting anyone who is constructive or really wants to team play. And I'm like you, cause I'm also Canadian, I don't start stuff but can't handle all the comments about mistakes in sea, and often end up arguing. Which doesn't help. So I play muted. Honestly, in sea, at least at my mmr, there is nothing positive from opening communication. I'm. Much happier without everyone calling each other an idiot or a dog all the time. Maybe if I climb higher in mmr I'll unmute and see if the attitudes of players changes.


                the only trench that exists is the one you dig yourself in.

                also, you don't need communication in dogshit 3/4k, just mute everyone and play your game.


                  If you live in Vietnam do you get vivid flashbacks of mundane life?