General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes you don't like to see playing with you

Heroes you don't like to see playing with you in General Discussion
зачем я начал поиск

    Sometimes you just look at the picking screen and can't help, but have a small inner doubt.

    Post heroes, which you don't like having in your team, heroes, which make you think of losing, regardless of the draft.

    Mine would be: Anti-mage, Bristleback, Rubick, Pugna, Razor, Troll.


      any hero that jungles

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        am tb lc

        mr. rabbit

          whenever my heroes gets played by another guy i just flip


            im offended. who wouldnt want troll to be on his team?

            high skill cap heroes in low mmr games. rubick, earthspirit, ember.
            shitty cancerous heroes like techies
            shitty afk low impact carries in low mmr games. AM, PL, NAGA, morphling


              LC, always fucked one lane over for his selfishly ass then end the game with <100 duel damage.


                Lc, tinker, doom

                also jdf8

                  naga = get me out

                  Super Senko-san Time



                      your mom


                        when my team plays chen, ench or any other micro intensive hero.


                          Tinker, techie, junglers



                            Fee Too Pee

                              Tinker : Welp , nice u kill a lot, can you push tower now? cannot ? i quess we play long game with no push now seemsgood
                              AM : we have to play really passive now greaaatttt
                              Slark : i just never win with slark now


                                NP: all the NPs I have in my team are invariably jungling peeps that contributed nothing the whole game which also invariably a lost game.

                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                  NP closely followed by LC.

                                  Despite LC being maybe the strongest laner in Dota, most people insist still on afk jungling and even at minute 15+ are still devouring map farm


                                    Nature prophet and doom hate having these low impact heroes on my team.


                                      Nature prophet and doom hate having these low impact heroes on my team.

                                      Beg Lee

                                        meepo and Io

                                        Ramtin H

                                          Naga techies lc jungle naga earth spirit


                                            Oracle almost always. Won he last one with him though so I must have had the only competent Oracle player in Australia on my team.

                                            Earth spirit too. Yeah the hero can be good but almost all the people at my skill level have sucked on him. Got like a 32% winrate with him o. My team. Lowest of them all.

                                            Elder Titan apparently as well since he's at 35% winrate on my team.

                                            doc joferlyn simp


                                              Forgot How to play

                                                I'm suprised that no one said invoker I mean before game starts everyone flames you and then if u miss 1 ss they start calling you injoker

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  AM & Void players. They seem to be clueless 85% of the time they happen to be on my team.