General Discussion

General DiscussionLatest spectre stats

Latest spectre stats in General Discussion

    10th highest picked hero in the main round of Kiev.

    Pick rate in pubs has increased by almost 4% over the past month (2nd highest) and is now at an average 14% pick rate.

    But tell me again how this hero is "not meta". Roflmao.

    doc joferlyn simp

      Somebody tell the guy what he wants to hear so he'll shut up


        eh? so you're using competitive meta to back your original point, which was spectre+Zeus in pubs, based on what you perceive as high winrate = strong = should be meta. which is fucking stupidly simplistic way of looking at things

        i don't think anyone said spectre wasn't viable. but he isn't picked THAT much - <10% in 5k+. compare it to when he WAS actually meta back in previous patches.

        i duno what's your point. even if spectre is picked every game, you're still wrong. lol

        Este comentario fue editado

          troll. troll is in the meta.

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            techies. techies is in the meta

            зачем я начал поиск

              Spectre is just a broken hero and always was. She was never ever sufficiently nerfed.

              You can be severely brain damaged, but once you get Radiance, your victory is almost sealed regardless due to insane impact you bring.

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                dispersion is a huge advantage to spectre and can survive with 1.5k hp without dying.


                  and that 2nd passive and dagger is seriously annoying even if spectre is useless in your team and its a sure win.


                    Chen . Chen is in the meta


                      Spec is just good, tanky, high damage output, can be at any fight on the map within a second.
                      I don't think spec will ever be out of the meta

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Spec needs quite a lot of items to work though


                          time to nerf MK again

                          зачем я начал поиск


                            Just Radiance and Vanguard/Drums.

                            Mask of Maldness

                              Thanks Purge 👍🏻