General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying with very high skill players will make me improve faster than...

Playing with very high skill players will make me improve faster than playing with those of my skill (normal skill)? in General Discussion
PMA mode

    I'm a 2.5k(old account). I feel the urgent need to improve my ability to play, but the tutorials I find on the internet are all for beginners, so I would like to know if playing with better players than I could improve my ability faster, also if any player + 4k would like to play With me willing to have me patience thank you in advance (I usually play with my friends 0.8k - 1.5k and games are disgusting, but when I play alone I am paired with players 2,7k - 3,4k and the games I like more)

    PMA mode

      Sorry if my english is a little bad

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Git Gud

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          Seeing as you play on US EAST feel free to add me friend Identification: 130945653. I won't be online this until later this weekend though. Also, I'm curious of your playstyle care to release your old account username?


            also called '' i'm a cuck who thinks my 4k teammate's skill will magically rub off onto me''

            it's not gonna happen, only way you're gonna learn dota is by GRINDING YOUR SOLO MMR ON YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT.

            i didn't start 5-6k

            i started 1k and grinded here, just because this is a smurf doesn't mean my main wasn't grinded here:


              Cookie, regarding playing with higher skilled players means they generally have a higher knowledge of the game this leads to being able to easier give tips or point out mistakes of the lower skilled players.


                unless those guys are activley telling you what to do and how to play, because i did that with a 1k guy and got him to 4k in a month by non stop just telling him what to do till he learned it himself.

                but you're not gonna find someone like me to teach you 24/7 while farming and killing opponents.

                and i wouldn't recommend doing it on high mmr, but rather on low mmr if he can get some smurf with same/lower mmr than you so he can teach you from the basics up


                  @cookies, back when I first started, his idea was exactly what I did to impove, I was at 800 mmr but was getting like 20 kills every game, So for about a year I just made new accs, tryed to get VHS, for farming patterns, skill builds, item builds, and general game sense I watched replays. but thats only 30% of the skill. Once I started getting high skill, my skill improved alot by learning to play better opponets and what you could and could not do, for example in a normal skill game you can dive the SF under tower, and he will just run till you kill him, in a VHS match he will kill you under tower with raze. I started getting into VHS and then learning to beat VHS mid players by experience, and then I just kept playing VHS till I could get it and maintain it everytime.

                  It is the fastest way to improve any non information or pattern based skills.

                  Ramtin H

                    I think the thing that the drengrkjng said is ture it happened to me too just play more gamds if u are a really good payer u will get hs and then u will get vhs


                      just because someone carries you in VHS doesn't mean you belong there
                      only way you'l lbelong there is if you grind it yourself SOLO

                      Giff me Wingman

                        You mean how you bought this unranked account from SEA guy:

                        And then got it boosted by russian guy and then tell us it was you, thinking we were stupid enough not to notice?

                        you are boosted normal skill garbage.

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          play with a little better players, don't go vs 1.5k mmr above you cuz they will punish you, if u are 2.5 go vs 3k...when u feel comfy on 3k go 3.5 etc

                          Este comentario fue editado

                            to be fair i think it did help me improve faster by playing in higher mmr than you know for a fact you have on your main acc. that is in comparison to simply playing your main account, not some training session.


                              this danish blunt dumbass is so fucking retarded I swear, I bought that acc when it was already at 3.7k mmr for $7 when 4 other accs had low prio and I didn't wanna make a new acc.

                              Also I already list 8 all VHS accs I have, do I need to post them hear too?

                              lets do it:

                              VHS acc 1
                              ALL VHS:
                              ALL VHS:
                              all VHS:
                              majority VHS:

                              theres like 3 more, and these are just the ones I didnt sell cause they didnt look like they would sell, I calibrated like 5 more at 4.0-4.1k and sold them. Theres another 3-5 VHS under a different smurfing name and like 15 hs accs. I started doing this a year ago, I have been play dota 2 for like 2 years now. not 6+ like you.


                                Finding somebody good in Dota who are willing to tell you your mistakes in each game is incredibly rare, most of them are either too caught up with their hubris after beating you or losing with your team while they spam this stuff in chat "You noob lost because of [insert an obvious mistake that even 1k can see it and yet not a massive factor of losing game here]." or just too damn lazy to tell you because he is on the road to 9k and so he won't waste his precious time around with some stranger that he doesn't know them a bit.

                                also jdf8

                                  in my experience having 4k friends on voice most people are sensitive to criticism and im pretty harsh so its not always useful, especially if they start picking up on their teammates mistakes

                                  at one point i watched this poor guy play disruptor and pointed out literally every one of his mistakes (he asked me to) by the end of the game my voice was hoarse because i had talked for 40m straight

                                  also jdf8

                                    shit like "ur showing for 0 reason, u wasted glimpse, u have no smoke, u know they have a ward in x spot because of hero y's behavior, u need to use skill 1 only to counter hero z, you ulted late, you shouldve saved q for vision in this fight, you lost this fight because you wasted ult, you wasted force staff, you shouldve pushed bara before charge complete, you saved ss with glimpse" etc

                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      JDF8 roast me when I play thanks


                                        How do I analyze replays properly I tried to analyze some replays and all I got was some little tricks and how disciplined and patient high mmr players are

                                        PMA mode

                                          Thanks @Jack Attack! I already added to the steam, I hope we play soon


                                            are u a kid


                                              Says one of the most childlist person in the community

                                              死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                Imo playing in higher mmr really improve your skill . My first account calibrated at 2.4k , i try to climb and ended floating at 2.8-2.9 . Then i smurf (this account) calibrated at 3.3k and now 3.8k . I really think i improved a lot in my smurf. if i didnt smurf i wont improve and stay normal skill forever i think.

                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                  i still get pudge mid , bs dagon , wr offlane , PA bf in my team , the stupidity still in VHS



                                                    1. Buy a 6k acc
                                                    (1b. Buy a prepaid sim card)
                                                    2. Play until you drop to your actual mmr
                                                    3. Repeat until desired skill is reached

                                                    After each cycle, you'll drop to around 200 mmr higher than the previous. You'll eventually stop dropping, after 10-15 attempts if starting at 4k.

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      after the end you'll be homeless or you'll suicide from all the loss streaks.

                                                      or you could not waste hundreds of dollars on accounts but rather pay a coach or analyse some replays

                                                      you know, the stuff that non-braindead people do


                                                        But cookie you bought that account from me


                                                          to be fair. if you are 2.5k as a fairly new player, and willing to learn, have read a lot of guides, and you are mechanically okay, not a complete retard, you could probably improve faster by playing in high skill games given the skill difference is not that huge yet.

                                                          of course if u are retarded and already played thousands of games u wont learn anything from buying an account


                                                            the real problem is finding music, I play at like 30% skill level unless I find some really motivating music.

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              1. Buy a 6k acc
                                                              (1b. Buy a prepaid sim card)
                                                              2. Play until you drop to your actual mmr
                                                              3. Repeat until desired skill is reached
                                                              After each cycle, you'll drop to around 200 mmr higher than the previous. You'll eventually stop dropping, after 10-15 attempts if starting at 4k.

                                                              u missed step 1c: DK literally says he hired someone to kill u because u lose him a game